roberto's Profile


roberto's Posts

Re: Falcon Questions

1) Mako exploration could re-commence but it is a long shot. Don't bet on it in the near term.

2) They may be waiting for the financing or a portion thereof to close but they had planned on deepening the Shanandoah well this summer.

3) Last week? Perhaps there was a rumour of a JV somewhere.

I am out of this stock but it is on my radar screen.


about 14 years ago
Re: Ground control, do you copy? I repeat: Do you copy?/rompp

This is a good post and all should pay attention. It is not a good investment strategy to fall in love with a it will give you brain cramps and deplete your bank account.

over 14 years ago
Re: Bruner still In Charge -- AGM update

Your comment on Marc living in a "dreamland" may be on target. I was sitting at the table with Bruner and a few others this morning and took away the distinct impression that he does not lie dliberately but is "blindly optimistic to a fault". He definitely needs someone to follow him and bring him down to reality as required.

He can surely contribute to the Company but he surely cannot control it's destiny. I hope the revamped BOD can keep a tight leash on him and make use of his negotiating skills. The operating and administrative part of the Company has to be controlled by others or Falcon will spiral into oblivion.

If the BOD and Burlingame do not understand Bruner's beta, then heaven help the FO investor.

By the way, I believe the downside risk at these levels is minimal.

over 14 years ago
Re: Gee,,,,I wonder where all the shorts have gone?

When a stock is already in the basement, it is not a wise move to short it!

The field results to date have been abysmal and the share price is reflecting this fact. I sold my position after the last news on F-1 but still have FO on the radar. This stock play has cost me a lot of money and as an was time to move elsewhere.

almost 15 years ago
bitter truth

It is very difficult to find anything positive about Falcon. You can hope but remember "hope is not an investment stategy". I have taken a beating on this stock and have reduced substantially.......we are left with a "Hail Mary Pass" situation. It has been an unpleasant experience but one must continue to look for other opportunities.

The Knight, who has been the biggest supporter has surrendered in the face of continued abysmal field results. It is time......

almost 15 years ago
Re: ExxonMobil, MOL, and Falcon Agree to an Additional Fracture Stimulation in the F

I am pleased that Exxon is going back but this is a bizarre situation. The investor is getting knocked around by these Companies and having to make unhealthy decisions on a sell or not to sell basis. This is unfair and poses undue hardship on the investing public.

It is time for Exxon, Mol, and Falcon to provide more information and accurate information on the project status.

almost 15 years ago
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