rj's Profile

Bit of a "Bull". Been up there and also down there, up there definitely much better! Military and sales background and former small business owner.

rj's Posts

Re: Mining Minute -Episode 43- Ancillary Opportunities: Hyperlink Technology

Still sounds like "pie in the sky" to me and personally believe they should stick with the RR and "git er done". playing around with every new technology that comes along, we will all be tripping over our beards before the first drop of chromite comes out of the Ring, at least I will,. rj

almost 8 years ago
Best One Yet

Today's Mining Moment is to my mind, one of the best, if not the best. Frank lays out that we are ahead of year-end projections to go to the Chinese Banks for the actual funding for the RR. On another matter, the constant Ask of sometimes, over 6 million shares @.03 day after day surely is killing any type of trading on the shares. It is a shame that these companies that KWG had to pay off in shares are willing to sell so cheap. It seems almost like we have been "blessed" with this scenario for a couple of years. Nothing, seems to get them to retreat and so we are in a real dead zone and watch the shares trade in the same range day after day. I don't know if, and when the Chinese Banks offer to finance the RR, it will be enough to move the shares upwards or we still remain where we are at present. Speaking for myself, personally, it is a real drag to try and remain positive, at least in the near future of any kind of stock appreciation, although if you can't maintain some kind of optimisim, you might as well sell and kiss off most of your ROF investment. rj

about 8 years ago
Re: The optimistic route

Correction Lar. Cliffs put KWG up to the RR and even supplied the Company to do the preliminary work on the best way forward and KWG spent in excess of $13 million to do so. The problem with KWG/CLF wanted it all at the expense of KWG and made the move on either Spider or KWG to get the controlling interest in Big Daddy. When they secured Spider they then told KWG they would mine Black Thor first and leave The better deposit, Big Daddy, in the ground to try and freeze KWG out. That is when Cliffs got the bright idea to run monster trucks non-stop 24 hours a day to move the chromite. I might add, with the blessing of the Liberal Govt. who made many questionable moves to aid Cliffs in this ill-fated venture. rj

about 8 years ago
All About Black Horse

Great to hear Moe Lavigne's interview on CBC radio. He stated, more than once, it is all about The Black Horse Deposit. Some major financial hurdles to overcome, but KWK certainly gives the impression that they know where they are going. He was not to impressed with the road situation from East to West, the RR is top of mind with KWG and it certainly looks good for us and with the end of year timeline, when they hope to take it to the Chinese Banks, who are much more ameable to finance ventures like this compared to Canadian Banks, major happenings are hopefully in store for KWG. rj

about 8 years ago
Gentlemen Please!

All this to and fro is becoming too much for my Senior brain. I voted in favour because i figure, what do we have to lose with the share price locked in to the 2 to 3.5 cent range for the past year. I am worried, like I suppose many others, that this looooong story will outlive me and it must get some resolution. Let us give Frank what he wants keeping in mind how much he has put into the stock himself. Why would he want to harm himself? We have to go forward and if it means trying out this new 300 to 1 Super Share Plan, then let us please do it. Just my humble opinion. Good day to all. rj

about 8 years ago
Attending Meeting?

Anyone on Board attending meeting today? Sure would appreciate a report on what when on, especially on the "Super shares". I voted in favour after very much thought. rj

about 8 years ago
saint john
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