rig07's Profile

rig07's Posts

Re: WWf isn't dead yet!

Oscar 7 thanks for your faith, I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who thinks that this isn't dead yet. I think I have more shares than 90% of the people here. I've bought on the open market and though PP. I wish we were back trading a year ago, but we are still waiting. MF has not given up , like most of the people on here. Getting financing for a project like had maybe a 10% chance before we went through a world recession. Now thing seem to be turning around, we maybe have a 2 or 3% chances of pulling this off. All I know is that MF hasn't given up.

over 13 years ago
great call guys

my many thanks to gumby and roy for a job well done. I think the conferance call when off with out a hitch. it was an open discussion of where we are and what to look forward to. this jouney we are on has taken much longer than we had hoped,but there is a light at the of the tunnel and it is getting much brighter. good luck to us all, and the best of the season to every one.

almost 14 years ago
swift MT760

From what i'm told the MT760 is not going directly to WWf. WWF will only see a small portion of it, for now. Enough to get the ball rolling.

Thats a thumbs up for me to with 7 digits

almost 14 years ago

Phone the guy in charge. It's his party. I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise. Any ways it doesn't mean any thing coming from me. Get it from the horses mouth

about 14 years ago
be prepared to be shocked.

I think news will be coming out soon that will shock all of you na sayer. Is the wait all most over?

about 14 years ago
who turned the lights out

Who ever turned the lights out, please turn them back on . We are not done yet.

over 14 years ago
Prince George
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