ricter's Profile

A little COPPER A little NICKLE A little POLAR BEAR And maybe some DIAMONDS and GOLD

ricter's Posts


Trade or no trade nothing has changed. All the gold is still there and we are a penny stock that is making money with a very bright yellow future. These kind of stocks are few and far between. I will not sell a single share at these prices, it was great at 85 cents so why dump it at 60 cents. Hold on and you shall be rewarded. There are just to many positives for this company to fail. As far as the financials the big guys interested in our company could careless about them, they have already seen the books and the goods and have made their own decisions not based on some tricky accountants view of the company but on real world numbers and GOLD. That my friend is why we had 60million bucks before any financials ever seen the light of day. NOW SHOW ME SOME MORE GOLD BARS SO THIS BABY CAN LAUNCH. Sorry to all the people who dumped but your going to get left behind in the gold dust !!!!!


over 14 years ago
Hey Crazy

Are we going to be waking you at $20 or sooner with this stock. What would you like your alarm set for $5 $10 $20 ...


over 14 years ago
Re: Woohoooo!!! Glorieux

His wife realy wants a Mustang GT 500 I know she has got class. Lives in North America and buys North American. Also uses chromite and nickle to make the steel hopefuly from North America!!!!

over 14 years ago
SHARE STEALING / Consolidation

If we all panic and sell our shares on Monday who do you think is going to pick them up at fire sale prices? We wont lose anything unless we sell. The company that buys our shares gets a little bit more control all day long bit by bit as our little hands let our share get stolen away. If they are going to buy the company then they can consolidate after they own it. If its worth $50mil with 400mil shares at 13 cents then its worth $50mil with 40mil shares at $1.30. It doesn't matter. All we will be doing is giving our company away for nothing. Does this sound familiar? Just ask the freewest people around here if they got a fair evaluation. The big boys are going to take all the toys in our little sand box if we let them. Hang on to your shares and make them pay. Spider is too valuable to not buy so sooner or later the money will come. It just may take a little time. If all the rumors are true it may already be in the works and all this share consolidation stuff is just to make it easier to get control of our end of the deal!!!

JMHO Ricter

over 14 years ago

CONGRATULATIONS HOOV and many more to come only I hope all the next ones have you celebrate with lots more ROF money and Golden dreams from Quebec in your pocket!!!

Your input and research are always appreciated!

Thanks Hoov


over 14 years ago
Re: strong finish at 63

A Bemmer are you nuts?

Your wife has way more class then that. What she wants is a brand new 500hp Cobra to toot around town in. I bet the mail wouldn't be late then now would it?


over 14 years ago
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