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More patience

Just when I was beginning to have a little hope that the gold bull run is about to take off, that this correction in gold and silver has come to an end by tomorrow or tuesday,

we get this from the latest resident gold T/A expert from JSMineset:

Jim Sinclair’s Commentary

Here is a note from CIGA Bo to all of those CIGAs that as people have been emotionally shaken by the organized and strategized gold take down by gold banks.

Dear Friends,

For those of you who buy and hold, sleep well my friends and know that your decision is a wise one into the year 2020; gold and silver however will have a very long and bumpy road ahead! Lastly, the "true" Bull Run you all wait for is not just yet, the general markets will first correct.

I wish you all well.

Have a great day!
CIGA Bo Polny

Ah...have a great day?!, try: have a nice decade! Seems like we are going to have to show a little bit more patience at least till the year 2020....#$%@#&

As a side Note:

Here's my bold prediction: In the month of november 2020 AUM is finally going to explode: it will be a sight to behold! it will be the proverbial Mother of all ten Baggers!

Here are the specifics: When AUM hits 0.02 cents a share in the early fall of 2020 , load up the proverbial truck and then just sit back and watch AUM (according to the T/A experts) rocket to .20 a share...I know it's hard to imagine but believe me It's going to happen...just need to be patient..again for the first time...

Have a great Day!! (sarcasm)

over 11 years ago

Greenspan , as well as the Dallas Fed President, said last week (on the same day) something that seemed quite odd...

They both said: the TBTF's should be allowed to fail!

These remarks kind of raised the hairs on the back of my neck..

Are they hinting that a major bank or firm is going to fail soon? Are they going to let the

bank fail and create an economic collapse?

and then raid people's bank accounts to try to save the system?

There is something lurking out there, a major black swan or something...don't you feel?

Then again...maybe I'm getting a bit too

over 11 years ago
GOLD has peaked every 21 months since the beginning of this bull market

If the pattern continues, we should see gold at 2700.00-3000.00 by early July/2013

Just need to hang on a little bit longer...

over 11 years ago
Good news ..Kitco cans Nadler

Good riddance.... The fact that this pr_ck is history at Kitco may mean something .

The fact that "nads" Nadler is no longer needed in the Anti-Gold propaganda efforts...may mean , perhaps, we are fast approaching a time, when the Gold banks go long and Gold starts flying....

I mean, who needs him?, if they are finally going to let the price of gold go much higher...

over 11 years ago
Re: shorts for AUMN increase slightly

What really disturbs me is that these #$@%* hedgefunds will just get another hedgefund(s) to buy out their short position without raising the share price a single penny!!

Heck they probably could have just another division in their own company buy out their short position....

On a similar note...can someone try to explain to me how JP Morgan could have bought back millions of ounces of silver contracts on the Comex (To close out a huge chunk of their short position) and yet the #$%&8 price of silver has gone down in price by several dollars?!!!

over 12 years ago
Silver price in 1980 dollars

Silver is trading at about 2.95 /ounce in 1980 dollars...How bizarre is that?

The economic and financial conditions that existed in the 1970's that led to the price of silver hitting 50.00/ounce is like a sunday picnic compared to what is transpiring in today's world and yet silver is trading at 2.95 an ounce...haha what a joke!

The share price of AUM has dropped approximately 85% in a little more than a year...

Now that's another joke! Except, no one is laughing , just the @#$#@ slimey hedge fund b__tards who have driven these shares down...

over 12 years ago
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