rich52states's Profile

rich52states's Posts

Re: Low oil prices


The overall situation is the number of companies drilling is decreasing, while the remaining companies are becoming more efficient.

In the article: "Despite the downturn, the oil still flows, thanks to producers’ advances in efficiency."

This means the weeklings are being weeded out. Do some research and you will find the port facilites near Houston are being expanded in a big way to handle the production.

If you are into cycles, for sure the world economy is at a low, therefore the only way to go is up, which means increased energy consumption and maybe higher energy prices.

This situation is big time speculation and not for the faint at heart. As the Falcon CEO says, this play is either going to be spectacular or a big bust. It's not for the faint at heart, if you are not using risk capital you should not be here in the first place....

Good luck.

about 9 years ago
Well what do you know?

The drilling started.....seems about time for "Mr. Herzog" to make an appearance.....

about 9 years ago
Re: enough...Enough of you already.....

Like I said...the delay was nothing to get excited about.....

about 9 years ago
Re: enough...Enough of you already.....

How about a perennial yaaaaaawwwwnnnnnn.......over the tedium of your latest posts....

A few days or weeks delay in an industrial project located in the middle of nowhere is not a cause for alarm....

about 9 years ago
Re: enough...Enough of you already.....

If you don't like it sell.....actually, why are you still here? Since you are a perenial critic.....

about 9 years ago
Re:Karoo - Govt announces R108 million for fracking

No worries. Mr. Deal's job is to be a perenial critic. Regardless of what may or may not be true about fracking.

over 9 years ago
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