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riccardo's Posts

stock action

Hi guys, this is my take on the situation. I have no idea why this thing dropped like it did. I didn't sell any shares yet and don't plan to until this thing has some serious appreciation. I know I can't time this thing, I've tried with other stocks in the past. But I still own a nice share of electrovaya and still own those shares. You see, I can see this thing a few more years out. Call me a sucker for buying and holding but I believe there is a great value in this company. And this to me a is a ridiculos market cap for these assets, products, technology and product orders and projected future demand. Sankar has never been one to put the stock price ahead of the company goals. Sometimes he gets overly excited, but I think he has a reason to. Think about the hit his worth has taken for the moment. I will stay the course and believe that the company plan is going full speed ahead.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Mercedes constructs a battery plant in Kamenz - next to ELF

Wow guys this this battery industry is really, really, heating up. This is no coincidence in my mind. This is being well coordinated. I think efl is going to get a big buy in soon. Just my gut feeling.This is really incredible that we found this tiny company on the cusp of amazing growth. We are going to have a great year and many more to come! Thanks for all the great posts to my electrovaya brothers.

almost 8 years ago
New day

Yes gentleman, it is a new day for our investment Electrovaya. What a year! Great appreciation in share price and trade volme. If things pan out the way Sankar envisions it, we are going to hit a home run with this stock. Here's to us that are hanging in there. I was thinking about the Con Edison project. Can you imagine that panning out and utilities ordering that size unit enmasse . If it happens we will be the next GE. Buckle up boys, believe, be patient and let it ride.


about 8 years ago

The artical below indicates Daimler is putting 500 milion into a new battery plant. I wonder if they licenced electrovaya technology as part of giving them the factory deal?


about 8 years ago
nice bounce back

Wonderful to see this bounce back and all the positive news articals. Our little stock is gaining traction. Remember the days when we barely traded 10 or 20 thousand shares? Not so long ago. The amount of shares being traded is really positive in my view. There is just so much upside potential I have to remind myself that this is a 5 to 10 year investment for me. One that could make an incredible amount of money. Stay long and strong EFL'ers and one day we'll all go to the shareholders meeting in style. Thanks for the vision and commitment Sankar!


about 8 years ago
Great week

Hi fellow EFl'ers, After a lot of patience, EFL came through with awsome news. I am happy for all the followers that have posted and kept the optimism alive when times were quiet. We will be rewarded for believing. My mind can't wrap around all the opportunities and directions this can go. And after listening to Sankar the other day on BNN ( thanks for the post Hogey!) it looks like he wants to become a large cap company. He is'nt just shooting for for mediocrity. Stay strong EFL and keep rocking!

over 8 years ago
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