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remedy's Posts

Re: Expect....

Augsta past or August 2017?

Thx R

almost 8 years ago
Metal prices

Saw this on another board, not sure where it originated


Re: Jr Mining Corporate Presentations

Generally very professional nice pictures etc

Tip ... Market activity understand it or Lose 2 choices : )

  • Accumulation Phase – This is the bottom (or near the bottom) of the market for a particular stock, sector, or general market. At this stage, prices do not move upward but rather stay within a neutral range. At this level, the smart money begins to buy up large blocks of shares to accumulate a large position for their portfolio. They are patient enough to be able to wait years, if needed, because it is difficult to determine how long a stock or sector will be in this stage. Regular individual retail investors do not even consider buying at this level because, in most cases, they have recently sold close to the lows. It is at this stage where you pick up the biggest discounted stocks. This is where long-term investors should be buying to realize the greatest long-term gains.

almost 8 years ago
Re: 700K-shares Blow out from ITG

I have often thought that TCK may take a share position in CUU, but then I thought they could also buy treasury shares at a much higher price, showing confidence in this mine. Giving us the funds to explore the other properties. That would alow us to wait and be pateint if we saw some positive action on their part. Our share price could increase 2-10 times while we wait, but no such luck. Either they dont want to show their cards or it really is what it is......Nada

Woul TCK be considered an insider? with all the optimization reports they are privy too?


almost 8 years ago
Re: KWG direct chrome reduction patent

Intersting points

[0028] In the laboratory studies, chromite used for the development work was sourced from the Black Horse deposit located within the Ring of Fire region of Northern Ontario Canada. As received chromite concentrate chemistry is shown Table 1 , and the ore chemistry in elemental form is shown in Table 2.

17. A chromium iron alloy manufactured in accordance to the process of claim 1.

[0007] There are no commercially viable deposits of chromite ore in the USA and all ferro chrome used in the production of steel is imported, typically from South Africa and Kazakhstan. Recent discoveries of very large deposits of such ores have been made in Canada in a geographic area known as the "Ring of Fire" (ROF). [0008] The development of huge deposits of natural shale gas in the USA and Canada has led to a decrease in the long term cost of natural gas and the prospect of stable pricing for many years to come. The present invention exploits the availability of the Ring of Fire chromite and low cost natural gas.

[0024] Extensive laboratory work has been completed which demonstrates the validity of the present invention. Samples of chromite ore concentrates from a deposit within the ROF have been successfully reduced in accordance with the teachings of the present invention to a highly metallised chromium iron alloy suitable for steel making. The temperature required for the re

about 8 years ago
Re: Crux of the matter

Goodheart, if they were to issue new treasury 300 share units that can be margined and can now allow institutions tp participate in any PP, so if they cant do this then they just issue 300 times the reg. shares to penny market players. ... Same dilution.. Market Cap remains the same. I can see the super shares falling back in relation to our reg. shares with this dilution unless Frank ceates more value before using this weapon. I believe Frank is not wreckless and will use them to OUR adavtange once he has the players in place with commitments. This could be as soon as this year and he needs to get ready to act and commit.


about 8 years ago
Re: Proposed Capital Reorganization: Another View

Yes, Agree, but that is best case scenario How does the super shares get in the way?

Plus we have more options. Frank has hept us alive when others wanted to bury us, Well here we are talking abot a railroad, mine, off take agreements and such, Frank got us here I will follow now that I can see some daylite. He has more invested, so happy to help him. That is the gamble I will take, this whole deal for 9 years has been a Gamble. In for a penny in for a pound.

Lets move forward , all boils down to if you let Frank who got us here, continue his way, trust or no trust?


about 8 years ago
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