ref's Profile

ref's Posts

Re: "bored with thread"

NDAs are a valuable tool, notwithstanding the fact that they're always a metaphorical hurdle that has to be crossed. They're also a good gage of another party's serious intentions. We all use them in any close relationship. Don't want your new girlfriend telling everyone at church about your old tatoo. There's an unwritten boundry there. NDAs just formalize and clarify before LBSRs handshake moves on to a hug. Won't somebody give LBSR a hug?

almost 8 years ago
Re: "bored with thread"

I used to think sex and money drove politics, but for a good while we've been seeing a lot of raw in-your-face arrogant power grabs that would shut down a lot of operations like LBSR just for spite or because they found a bread bag tie in a bird nest. Tuesday is crucial for LBSR, business, industry...

almost 8 years ago

My mind soars with anticipation as I think that Ronald Crump might actually pull it out Tuesday. It most certainly would create a better atmosphere for business/industry/innovation. Gotta love his beautiful wife Nirvana and daughter Sri Lanka as well. (I was getting bored w/Update thread.)

almost 8 years ago
Re: Finding Partners vs Raising Money?

I can help with singing lessons if you're on the East Coast. $25/lesson all goes toward warrants. Only 40,000 lessons from a $million$. Excess funds will be used for the new movie about the life story of JB only after we've struck paydirt. We can call the movie Holes....nah, that's been taken....... Have to call it ROCKS! Happy 4th.

about 8 years ago
Re: Liberty Star's Phase 1 Exploratory Drilling at the Hay Mountain Project...

Go LibertyStar! This latest release gives me the idea that management is deeply engaged in and committed to making a winner out of this company. SEC not withstanding, I thought that maybe someone was sitting on their hands chewing on a piece of straw somewhere on the back forty. There DOES seem to be enthusiasm to back up the might be and possibly maybe stuff of the stricktly business conversation. Sometimes a positive vibe is worth two might be maybes in the bush. imo. ref

over 8 years ago
Re: I Got Chains: J.C.

Massive juggernaut of factors affecting this sector. Paradoxical. Defies logic at times and then in hindsight goes 20/20 all of a sudden. We will be joyriding the escalator soon enough, but it's never soon enough. I want to see how many years JB can sustain a big fat grin. Would like to see the Monday morning headlines in Tuscon reading I TOLD YOU SO!

over 8 years ago
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