rallard's Profile

rallard's Posts

Re: Dore' bars a-1

Not posted in awhile but I tend to agree with you Beta. A concentrate is much safer to transport than Dore. This is Mexico and as of the past several years its none to safe. They have had over 27,000 murders to date all steming from their drug war and hijackings are very very common. Shipping a Dore bar would be like hanging a huge shoot me sign around your neck. We would have to hire some guns to make sure each shipment got through never mind the facility site would have to be armed to the teeth to disuade any enterprising bandito's from paying a visit. Even a concentrate carries some risk because bribing one of the foundries to process it would not be to far fetched for Mexico.

The perils of doing business in a country that at the moment is none to stable. When the execution of a police officer is carried on live TV you have to wonder about whats going on.


almost 14 years ago
Re: News: KWG to retain its Spider shares

If there is a class action law suit you do not need to be in posession of SPQ shares. All you need to do is prove that you had shares at the time of the action in question (Hostile takeover). If there is a class action CLF's could see their victory go south very fast.


about 14 years ago
Re: Cliffs gets 52.1% and extends offer

Look for CLF's to make their move on KWG in about a months time.

I will also wait for the price of KWG to drop in the next several weeks as people loose interest. When the price drops CLF's will come in as the savior and offer us a large premium similar to SPQ say .13 cents to strart.

The same thing will occour to KWG as SPQ and FWR we will make a few pennies and CLF's will make the dollars, the truth of small retail investors.

Good luck to all on the next adventur.


about 14 years ago

You say not to speculate but your whole post is full of speculation.

CLF's have initiated a take out of SPQ and or KWG, I've read the press release. I also listedned to Mr Boor on BNN. If you do not think something is coming thats fine but many do and that is not speculation.


over 14 years ago
Re: waiting

KWG will not be voting for the merger only spq will have a vote. The trem merger is not quite the word I would use to describe what is going to happen. Kwg in essence is buying SPQ, hence no vote is needed by KWG shareholders. The only vote KWG will have is for the Shareholders rights program and that only needs a 50% +1 vote.


over 14 years ago
Re: If DD is a diamond exploration co

DD is becoming a company of convience its already set and ready to go. If they wanted to start from scratch it could take months and a fair amount of cash. Changing the name to something more appropriate later will be easier. The new name could be Cash Cow because the NSR and the rail right of way will make a steady income. They may spin off the diamond properties later with a diffrent name, when they have more time.


over 14 years ago
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