raggie's Profile

raggie's Posts

Re: : OH HELL YES!!!!! By Craig Andresen

Crak I like your thinking...I think, but not sure, about Gen.Petraeus fo Sec of Defense. My little puppy mind is telling me a person has to have been out of the miltary for at least ten years...has he?

Keep up the good work.


over 12 years ago
Re: ok - I complained about other posters for being arrogant and condescending

Pravda...I need to be nice about this..I think you have thoughts a little mixed this evening.

If any one has helped us through this mess it would be SMAN and Doni...plus several others.

I wish you the best....if you can understand it.

over 12 years ago
Re: ntp8 - If you think any president has direct control of a covert operaion

Sedley...were you around during the "Bay of Pigs"...covert op canceled in flight.

over 12 years ago
secret service

Well, the wife is out of town and I am on my own.

Many years ago I was a federal agent (sky marshall) and trained in part by the SS/ATF/Customs.....1970-1974. The one item that they kept insisting that we pay attention to was the drinking...24 hours before a flight....zero.

The booze does not seem to play into this equation with the firing of several agents. It seems to be the hookers. Very dumb on their part, but not illegal in Columbia. So what are they being fired for...being stupid? If that was the case I do not think there is enough pink paper to print the pink slips for the federal gov't workers that should receive one.

My guess..the fired agents come back and sue...and win.

We shall see how this plays out.


over 12 years ago
Re: PTSC is like a beautiful Sea Gull

I am incorrect..just ran google

over 12 years ago
Re: PTSC is like a beautiful Sea Gull

My understanding is that Sea Gulls do not eat live matter....only dead items

over 12 years ago
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