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pymmer's Posts

No more filings in SEDAR?

Doesn't appear that XBR has filed any reports this month. Seems this one may be a bust.... hopefully this is not the case. Any news out there I'm not aware of?


over 9 years ago
Re: Twitter : More rumours or ???

Called 4 weeks ago and no answer. Left my contact information and questions (as requested in the recorded voicemail message) and I have yet to receive a response. Asked about the timing of the TOR approval and why the review period was taking so long (especially for a volunteer process) in comparison to other EA processes.


almost 10 years ago
Re: November progress report

Thanks Chauncey.

Some revenue projected, not yet received though by the looks of it. Looking forward to seeing this revenue realized and then hopefully Tim and team can continue to add other miners to the group.

Anyone recall what costs (monthly) are needed to get Catanava functional again?

Would be good if Tim and crew could provide that info for us. A news release wouldn't be necessary, but perhaps they could post this information on their website. Would save money on media releases.

Hopefully this is the start of a lucrative partnership (with the local miners and buyers) and oen that perhaps they can replicate elsewhere.... would be nice if they could gain some momentum.

considering the lack of revenue to date and that they ahven't gone to the market for additional funds, perhaps Tim and team can continue to grow grow XBR without further dilution...... thoughts?


almost 10 years ago
Anyone know of any updates?

Checked Sedar and didn't see the filing for Dec. Plus I emailed Tim 3-4 weeks ago and haven't received a response. Anyone else have any info? Hopefully this boat is still afloat....


almost 10 years ago
Re: Monthly progress report: August

Thanks Chauncey,

Interesting to note they just sold their first concentrate in July. The Dec 8th news release stated they expected to sell 2 batches of concentrate last December. In addition, that same release also stated they were expecting to produce dore not soon after...... I do like the idea of adding other income streams, just hope they aren't stretching themselves too thin. would like to see some positive momentum and some good news soon.....



about 10 years ago
Updated presentation -July 2014- on the Excalibur website

Updated presentation on the Excalibur website has info on San Pedro. Hopefully their plan works out. The extra cash flow will help get the Catanava project back on track.


about 10 years ago
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