pwiseguy's Profile

pwiseguy's Posts

Re: I'm surprised (Drop it) Moving on.

Appreciate it.

Cheers GLTA

almost 9 years ago
Re: I'm surprised (Drop it)

Geez as an avid reader (not so much poster) on this board I came on here to maybe get a bit of an update and some insight as per what everyone thinks is going on to start the week and get to read high school squabble instead...Hash it out in private messages please.

Lets hope for a steady week.

almost 9 years ago
Re: Great day

But..... its so much easier to be naysayers then it is to be positive right? (kidding)

Agreed, great day. The sun is starting to shine through the clouds. Its like riding the Millennium Force coaster at Cedar Point (for those that have been on it, youll understand)...The wait on the tow to the top of the first hill takes so long and is painstaking.. but when you reach the apex you can see everything on the horizon. I think thats where we are at.. the top of the hill able to see much more then we have in the past for POET, and were hanging over the edge with the real ride about to begin.

Cheers for green days.

about 9 years ago
Comfort Zone

"In investing, what is comfortable is

rarely profitable."

- Robert Arnott...

Keep that quote in mind while we sit and wait during these stressful quiet times, shifting in our chairs uneasily, speculating, biting off all of our fingernails and chewing eachother out on the board. Focus on whats over the hill.


about 9 years ago
Re: Cant see quotes

Thanks for linking that must have missed Rainers post!



about 9 years ago
Cant see quotes

Might be dumb question or already addressed but, is anyone else getting an error on the quote page? See below. TIA

Authentication error: Unauthorized quotetools usage: 2015-07-09T07:47:38.145 Please contact

about 9 years ago
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