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pumpkin1678's Posts

Re: Entrance Strategies

Only have 10,000 shares, but if things change & there is some very good news, then I'll likely double or triple my take on Poet asap.

over 9 years ago
Re: What is happening? Silver prices up

With the stock price deflated as much as it has, I have no choice but to hold onto this & hope that they come through. These guys are getting paid well to run the company. Lets hear your longer term plans, maybe a time line of predicted progress or anything to give us some hope that you are going forward. My only hope is that this stock reversal won't just give the stock price more room to fall. By the way, their rating didn't look all that good to me or am I missing something here?

over 13 years ago

Gold is up, but this stock (BGM) is falling back. Does anyone have an opinion on where they are going now that they are starting to produce? Is this a buying opportunity or will it continue to fall back? I'm sticking with it in hopes that it will take off & show it's true potential within the next couple years.

pumpkin 1678

over 13 years ago
What is happening? Silver prices up

Hi folks

I'm wondering if anyone can tell me what is going on with this company? Are they ever going to develop this find? I've had this dog since .06 (2 years ago) & thought it had some potential with a working mill close to their operations. With silver prices where they are & where they are predicted to go, are we going see some real progress in the future? Any answers are appreciated.


over 13 years ago
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