ptsczza's Profile

ptsczza's Posts

I have a better suggestion, re neg posts....

I suggested this before and I'll suggest it again, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, Should STOP POSTING until we have something from this company that is positive.

All that MOST of these posts on this board do is scare off new investors. Got news for all, without new investors this stock will do nothing but go DOWN!


P.S. Ads, sorry to hear your sadness

over 16 years ago
Very interesting that post got flagged.....

I guess the TRUTH HURTS!!

Thank You Britania for that well written, to the point, TRUTHFULL post!!

over 16 years ago
Lambert, while I gave a thumbs up....

To your post, and I do applauad your due diligence and your efforts related to estimating income from the MMP portfolio, I am thinking that we could put out a new signing everyday for the next 365 days, including Sundays, forgive me Lord, and it would do NOTHING for our share price.

We have NO RESPECT, and will GET NO RESPECT until PTSC does something for PTSC!! I'll go a step further, Aquisition? Are you kidding me? An Aquisition in my mind is TOTALLY OUT OF THE QUESTION!! We don't have the Duckets!

It's time for these "savy" business men to do something right, internally, grass roots if you will, do I believe they will? Let's just say that I am 50% less sure!

over 16 years ago
EdigOkie..I concur with your post....

All of this flap is purely share price driven. If our shares were where they should be, north of a dollar, nobody would gripe about anything let alone bashing the single most prolific poster on this board.

How soon we forget the pinpoint accuracy of Brians warrant repricing windows which no doubt helped many here on adding to or trading their positions. Brians brutally accurate logic when pointing out the lack of talent of our board excluding the "Don" of course.

For anyone to think that Brian did or had nothing to do with with the righting of this ship ridiculous! Thats all I'll say about that, so don't ask.

I personally and publicly wish to THANK Brian for his hard work that he did in his own and OUR best interests in working with the company and I LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING MORE FOR HIM IN THE NEAR FUTURE!!

over 16 years ago
Everyone...Think About IT!!!

Ease you are absolutely right. It is just unfortunate that many were long and I do mean long tired but held onto to the finish line only to feel like that finish line is in the middle of the Sahara Desert and no "water".

I am holding, as I always do. I too believe the j3 deal is not in this. I believe we have recieved nothing in the way of cash from them at least from that Q but you are right no Company would spend that kind of cash in litigation then settle on the courtroom steps for zilch, no way, there is more here than meets the eye.

FWIW, I wish we have held them to the court date no matter what, win or lose, I would have rather had that.

Hey Rick, special message from me, Get ready to RUUUUUMBLE, You are gonna hear it from US! Not saying any of this was your fault BUT you are the Captain now and you should be on mutiny alert!

over 16 years ago
I am having Pizza for lunch.....

Right Now, How Appropriate!!




Wish I had gotten,LOL!! 

over 16 years ago
Paso Robles
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