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psyop's Posts

Re: Understand how the game is played.... a different view of the opinion

Over the last few days I have poured over a number of exceedingly well researched posts giving compelling arguments, evidence and logic for why Judge Kreiger must have misunderstood or not fully understood our patent. All of it is so lucid and logical. I think you engineers are missing the point and, from my experience with engineers, will never get the point. If only women thought like men, the world would be a simpler place. I don't think this is about logic at all, at least not the line of reasoning virtually all of you are persuing. I don't think Judge Krieger will be persuaded by force of logic. I think the lady has an agenda. I have developed the perspective that she is a right wing ideologue who was appointed by George Bush because of her political views. Now don't jump on me for that statement, I am a conservative Republican who contributes to Tea Party Candidates.

If one reviews the comments by other lawyers on Robing Room, it appears that she has little sympathy for plaintiffs, underdogs, victims and piss ant companies( us) harassing the fine and successful companies (them). I think her mind was made up by the end of hearing (probably at the beginning) and she needed five months to clothe that opinion in a passable legal document. I believe her opinion was informed by her politics, not the arguments laid out so painstakingly by our attorneys. Now the naive may believe that they can overcome or alter her opinion by citing patent history and presenting irrefutable evidence that the presence RAM or ROM was clear in the original patent (ie she will be logical). My experience as a psychologist teaches me that she will be both arrogant and dogmatic, albeit superficially respectful. I believe we should try to move beyond Judge Krieger as soon as possible.

about 13 years ago
Choosing of venue

Regretfully, I'm still in with my 600k shares bought with my profit from PTSC. It seemed so clear back then that EDIG would someday follow the same path to riches. Along the way I found even more things to like about EDIG. I actually liked EDIG management and I thought they could be trusted. PTSC had many problems that EDIG clearly did not have. Except for the slow pace of court proceeding I was happy with my investment. I was perplexed at Colorado being chosen as the venue for trial and even more perplexed at the choice of Judge Krieger. I read John's arguments for why we should be pleased and encouraged to be before her with our claims. I had reservations but never put them into words. However, when I read the comments on Robing Room and saw that she was rated by her peers as one of the ten worst judges in the US I was sick to my stomach and filled with trepidation. In her decision she has simply acted true to form. As a psychologist I want to scream "you idiots". All these brilliant legal and technical minds and you obviously did not consider the personality and competencies of the jurist.

about 13 years ago
Re: Who Got the PM - I did ----eom

Me too. Guess I was one of the "good guys" but not good enough to be given a "heads up". Haven't sold a share.

about 13 years ago
Share price

What do you expect when people insist on buying at the bid? That only serves to drive the price down. MM can sell shares at any price they choose. They don't have to have shares in inventory to sell shares. Naked short sells are legal for MM's. If the only buyers are at the bid then they sell at the bid and lower the bid further. Yet, this is a cherished tradition for the followers on Agoracom.

over 13 years ago

For those with Etrade accounts I would relate an experience I had with PTSC. When the trading got very heavy Etrade suddenly and inexplicably changed the rules and would not let me sell electronically. I had to enter each order through a broker although I had bought for many months on-line. They never would give an explanation or allow on line orders. That probably cost me 100K. One of these weeks we will see wild action here. Be sure your broker doesn't change the trading rules. Etrade was a market maker too and I believe that was the real reason for the change of rules. My accounts are now with TDAmeritrade.

over 13 years ago
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