psj567's Profile

psj567's Posts

Re: Charts & Comments - Bull Market Comparisons

Which would you prefer Einstein, a 500% gain in the undiluted share price in 3 years time due to resource expansion or a 5% annual dividend?

over 13 years ago
Re: Consolidated Abaddon to Change Name to Aben Resources Ltd.

Something is reasonably imminent. With Rick Rule and Doug Casey now involved as shareholders, this shell apparently is on the verge of a significant transformation given the application for a name change. These guys don't waste their time on potential doubles or triples. If an investment is not at least 10 bag potential, they would not be involved.

over 13 years ago
Re: Charts & Comments

The reason Eagle Plains Resources stock behaved as it did was because of the release of drill hole results from one of its gold projects indicating it may have discovered another Sullivan Mine deposit. The price spiked in the $1.30 range upon release and spread of the results and has since backed off to .65 when assays and other drill hole results were released. In addition, EPL's other flagship project is the Yellowjacket gold mine in BC, which it is gearing up to put in production. EPL also has numerous prospective land positions in southeast Yukon near Northern Tiger's new 3ACE gold discovery; the Southeast Yukon's gold prospect currently is receiving a great deal of attention by institutions and investors familiar with the Yukon. EPL presently is primarily a gold play although it does have over 30 projects including many that are base metals, uranium and ree's.

Also, in response to your several posts between 12/26/10 and 1/2/11, you raise several valid points. However your continued personal attacks on Mr. Netolitzky impugn your credibility. That he chooses to take a conservative approach in the MD&A and in the running of the company will only serve the best interests of all shareholders. There is nothing worse for a venture exchange company than to over-promise and under-deliver. Look at Mr.Netolitzky's last two gold companies, Viceroy Exploration and Brett Resources, and how much money he made for his shareholders. Golden Band is on its way to return to patient investors similar high triple digit gains. His conservative approach in running those two companies proved extremely successful. He has been around for a long time and has been involved with the GBN properties for 3 decades. I trust and believe him when he suggests that GBN ultimately will produce 2 to 5 million ounces, if it isn't acquired first. Your comment respecting Brett suggests you became impatient holding it too and sold at .70 in late 2009, when 8 months later its purchase price by Osisko reached $4.50. For those of us who "patiently" held Brett for 3 years, including during the 2008 market sell-off when its price fell to .25, we were rewarded. You would have much more credibility if you would just stick to facts and not inject your unsupported and unsubstantiated slurs against Mr. Netolitzky. Of all the geologists, businessman and mine finders in the world, he is one of the most highly regarded and respected and well-liked.

over 13 years ago
Management Continues to Build Shareholder Wealth

GBN timely is executing its production schedule. Production of 45,000 to 75,000 gold ounces annually in the first two years increasing to 100,000 ounces annually in year 3 while at the same time increasing its reserves and resources through systematic exploration. Institutional investors and funds are just now putting GBN on their radar screen. Sprott's involvement is a strong endorsement of management. Ron Netolitzky is GBN's largest shareholder, currently owning more than 11% of the company with a large percentage of his purchases coming on the open market. The new mine is being run by one of Cameco's former top mine managers and several of his former staff. They too have their personal financial interests aligned with shareholders. Despite the recent price gain, GBN remains one of the most undervalued gold explorers/producers in the world. As it starts commercial production, the market will revalue it more in line with the free cash flow which it will start throwing off. In this rising real price of gold environment, GBN's margins will be blow-out numbers within 2 quarters time.

almost 14 years ago
Re: Charts & Comments

Fran 6,

I feel sorry for you. You must have had a very, very unhappy childhood.

almost 14 years ago
Re: Charts & Comments

Your ad hominem attacks on Ron Netolitzky are outrageous and slanderous. He is leading GBN on a carefully planned strategy years in the making which requires precision in execution. Impatient short-timers such as yourself never seem to get it. Perhaps you are just upset that you missed out on the shareholder wealth he created for Viceroy and Brett shareholders utilizing the same strategy which required patience, long-term vision and holding the stock for the long run. Why don't you quit your baseless and venom-filled attacks on the company and management and let the professionals do their jobs. If you don't like it then sell your stock and take your miserableness elsewhere. Nobody is holding a gun to your head to own GBN.

Respecting your earlier comments about paying dividends, greater shareholder wealth will be created by using the excess cash flow to fund exploration and grow the resource to between 3 and 5 million ounces. Of course you won't have the patience to own GBN long enough to recognize such value. Let me know if you want to sell your entire GBN holdings at this price--I will be glad to buy them from you.

almost 14 years ago
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