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Cooler computers, smartphones using graphene

IANS | London

July 11, 2015 Last Updated at 15:56 IST

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Almost half of the total energy used in running a computer goes in cooling it down. That is going to change now.

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, have developed a method for efficiently cooling electronics using graphene-based film.

Getting rid of excess heat in efficient ways is imperative to prolonging electronic lifespan, and would also lead to a considerable reduction in energy usage, experts said.

The film is attachable to electronic components made of silicon and has a thermal conductivity capacity that is four times that of copper.

A team led by professor Johan Liu from Chalmers University had earlier shown that graphene can have a cooling effect on silicon-based electronics, but the challenge was to stick a thick layer of graphene to silicon chips.

"We have solved this problem by creating strong covalent bonds between the graphene film and the surface, which is an electronic component made of silicon," Liu said.

Moreover, functionalisation using this kind of bonding doubles the thermal conductivity of the graphene.

"Increased thermal capacity could lead to several new applications for graphene. One example is the integration of graphene-based film into microelectronic devices and systems, such as highly efficient Light Emitting Diode, lasers and radio frequency components for cooling purposes," Liu said.

"Graphene-based film could also pave the way for faster, smaller, more energy efficient, sustainable high power electronics," he said.

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Cooler computers, smartphones using graphene

Almost half of the total energy used in running a computer goes in cooling it down. That is going to change now.

Almost half of the total energy used in running a computer goes in cooling it down. That is going to change now.

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, have developed a method for efficiently cooling electronics using graphene-based film.

Getting rid of excess heat in efficient ways is imperative to prolonging electronic lifespan, and would also lead to a considerable reduction in energy usage, experts said.

The film is attachable to electronic components made of silicon and has a thermal conductivity capacity that is four times that of copper.

A team led by professor Johan Liu from Chalmers University had earlier shown that graphene can have a cooling effect on silicon-based electronics, but the challenge was to stick a thick layer of graphene to silicon chips.

"We have solved this problem by creating strong covalent bonds between the graphene film and the surface, which is an electronic component made of silicon," Liu said.

Moreover, functionalisation using this kind of bonding doubles the thermal conductivity of the graphene.

"Increased thermal capacity could lead to several new applications for graphene. One example is the integration of graphene-based film into microelectronic devices and systems, such as highly efficient Light Emitting Diode, lasers and radio frequency components for cooling purposes," Liu said.

"Graphene-based film could also pave the way for faster, smaller, more energy efficient, sustainable high power electronics," he said.


about 9 years ago
Re: Adam remembered

Yes Mr. Chowaniec was indeed a superstar and hall of fame player. No doubt he will be missed by many. Not least by PTK, his shoes will be hard to fill. Time will tell if the new people coming on board will be up to the task.

over 9 years ago
Re: Lets shall we ?

Until I'm shown otherwise I see the PTK shares as being their main generator of revenues. So in essence the shares are the product they can successfully sell at the moment. So maybe the promo drive is meant to bolster the SP and not much else. Judging by the lack of trading lately it seems I may not be alone in suspecting this.

over 9 years ago
Quote from Adrian Brijbassi, Feb 09/15

I do believe significant news is near, because legitimate companies do not release advertisements such as what Poet unveiled recently without backing it up with supporting facts. However, I don't think news will come this week. There may still be stakeholders who have not exercised their Feb. 15 warrants and releasing news that would propel the stock upward would not be fair to those who already have exercised their warrants. (If you financed your purchase of 100 shares at $75 by selling 60 shares at $1.25, you would not be happy if the company released news that resulted in other warrant-holders being able to make that same 100-share purchase at a lower cost to their position.) I think news will come on Feb. 18, give or take a day.

I think next week will be very telling. Prospector

over 9 years ago
Re: RS

Maybe the RS could be used to boost the SP by announcing that they see no further need for it and are taking it off the table entirely. I suspect some money that is being hesitant because of it will move in.

over 9 years ago
Re: "we have a race"

I've never been too comfortable about this adverarial position regarding Intel. They are after all the industry leader and one doesn't get that way by being stupid.

I'd love to know how close a look they had at POET's technology before they became dismissive. I actually have a bit of a hope that they might revisit it and decide that they need it in their portfolio going foreward. That could become interesting.

over 9 years ago
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