propertysane's Profile

propertysane's Posts

Re: 5 yr chart


judging by your post on stockhouse (less than 15 mins after your contribution here), it looks like junior miners are not for you.....

over here you compliment the chart and over there you tell us its time to sell...... lol

over 13 years ago
Re: 5 yr chart


50% of a 100kt pa mine @ $200 net margin/tonne gets us an EPS of 50c per share based on the current float...... or say 35c per share if the acquisitions take us to 32m as the calandra article suggests.

At an industry standard PER of 8x for a producing Mn mine that will give us an SP of $2.80 as soon as the first ramped up production month happens.... my guess (assuming we close the acquisition soon) is that July will be that month.

Technical charts are useful but cashflow will drive the algorithim here...... as soon as we get this deal done!


over 13 years ago
OM Holdings profitability jumps 75% in 2010

``The 2011 manganese market outlook is positive and the industry fundamentals remain solid,'' Mr Toth said.

``On the demand side, the continued recovery of global steel production, an expectation of further strong growth in Chinese crude steel output and the trend of increasing manganese unit consumption by steelmakers provides a positive demand outlook for 2011.''

over 13 years ago
Re: the creche and next week(s)

you are probably right in your timeframe Roumieu.... the poor kids in the creche will have a meltdown !

Antero, bless him, seems to think that Heavy has the ability to just pull Cancana messages instead of his whole profile.... the poor lamb is wondering why heavy is absent from the DOR board too !!!!!!

Lechmeir in his infinite wisdom is wondering why there is no word from vicarage yet !!!! He seems to think that CNY should be telling RM how prospective their mine/tenure is BEFORE they actually sign over 50% of it to us..... clever boy eh?

Anyways, we are all hunkering down until the boys from Brazil sign on the dotted line and allow the subsequent events to unfold...... 43-101, Vicarage Report etc etc.....

Hopefully a couple of weeks should see us in the promised land.

Lots of stuff happening in the Mn space right now (AMY bought deal, Azure drilling in Mexico, Shaw River acquisition in Namibia etc etc) and I look forward to CNY making its big splash soon.


over 13 years ago
Brazil Mining Publication


Manganese prices have experienced considerable volatility in recent years, owing to demand fluctuations in major consumer nations such as India and China, as well as price influences associated with the global financial crisis. Prices peaked in 2008 at $302/mt, but currently stand at around $156/mt. Globally, Brazil is the second largest producer of manganese ore, behind South Africa, producing 1.7 million mt in 2010. Brazil currently produces 18% of the 10 million mt of global manganese output. Brazil’s combined measured and indicated resources of manganese stand at 566 million mt, 10% of the global total, second only to South Africa’s total reserves of 4 billion mt. Brazilian manganese reserves are concentrated in Minas Gerais state with 87% of the total, and Mato Grosso and Para with 6.5% and 4.3% respectively. Exports of Brazilian manganese stood at 2.5 million mt in 2010, key export markets are China and India. I

n terms of production, Vale is unrivalled in its dominance over manganese production in Brazil, accounting for some 95% of overall output. The fact that manganese production represents just 2.2% of Vale’s business overall offers some insight into the size and scale of the company. Vale’s Brazilian manganese output is concentrated in four production complexes distributed throughout the country: the Minas Gerais complex produces approximately 200,000 mt/y alonside the Bahia, Corumba and Mina do Azul complexes.

Brazil’s other player in manganese production is Mineracao Buritirama. “Mineração Buritirama S.A. was setup in 1982 with the purpose of mining and commercializing the significant manganese ore reserves of the mine located at Serra de Buritirama, municipality of Marabá in the State of Para,” said Director Ricardo Dequech. “The Buritirama ore body was discovered in 1966. The implementation of the project began in 1992 and finished in January 1994. Total reserves are estimated at 18.4 million mt of high-grade manganese ore. We have a productive capacity of 1 million mt/y of first-class manganese. Buritirama manganese ore may be ranked as metallurgic, with 45% Mn grade, low phosphorous grade and high Mn/Fe ratio. Mineracao Buritirama’s manganese is exported mainly to China, but also to Europe and Latin America. About 20% of the production is directed at the Brazilian internal market. Today we have a solid position in the manganese market, supplying five different products.”

As steel production in Europe has declined, Brazil’s manganese producers have turned their attentions toward emerging Asia. Brazil’s vast manganese resource and established status as a key global supplier provides plenty of opportunities for new entrants to come into the market. The key challenges for potential investors to overcome are Brazil’s traditional challenges, surrounding logistics and energy infrastructure. Vale’s vast logistical network is a key support mechanism for the company’s dominance over Brazilian manganese production.

over 13 years ago
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