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profundus's Posts

Re: DARPA sees IoT and AI as weapons to dominate wars

I'll take a federal government contract!! They pay very well.

about 8 years ago
Re: Belkin launches $40M joint venture to bring water conservation tech smart home

IoT Water conservation seems to be our next play. Develop a product for the connected home uning OUR patents. Look toward others who have or are currently developing similar products using our patented technology and methods and ask them to pay....Samsung....Belkin....likely others. Maybe having the Google case behind us, this process has potential to move along faster?....or then again, what is to stop Samsung from filing an IPR?

about 8 years ago

Very positive report. The only thing that I found odd was that we limiting ourself to the connected home market. Plenty of money to be made here, but why word it this way? I don't think that our patents exclude us from other markets...medical, community, commerce, etc.

From the PR "The connected home market, one segment of the IoT industry, is the space where eDigital and its supporting patents expects to participate."

Why not say: The connected home market, just one segment of the IoT industry where eDigital and its supporting patents expects to participate, ....."

about 8 years ago
Exactly 1 year ago. "End Game for e.Digital"

I don't post often, and in fact was looking back to see when. This is what I said 7/25/2015.

Would love for this to come true. In part, there seems to be movement in that direction.

Back to hide in the bushes with what may be a huge group of lurkers. Will make for a great party and lots of attendees if things play out!!!

about 8 years ago
Re: I see the bid is now .088

Daily bet !!

about 8 years ago
End Game for E Digital

Maybe I'm wrong, but it sure seems that a sell of our patient portfolio / company would be the end game that management is moving toward. Unfounded personal opinion only. The Nunchi patents are core to the next revolution in personal / interpersonal computing. With that said, the value of these patents is quite different with us holding versus another software giant such as Google, Cisco, Apple etc. holding. It would be nice to think that we could grow the value of these patents in house like Qualcomm did, but I just don't see that happening effectively. Unlike our flash patents, the Nunchi patents don't expire until 2030, so there is huge value for the holder if leveraged effectively. The recent clean up of the Nunchi patent assignments (Pat Nunley to e. digital) may just be business as usual, but it sure seems like we are trying to get our house in order. I don't think that we will ever see $24 or even $7 again. A buy-out at $2-3 range would make most people here a lot of money. Success in our current claim construction hearings is paramount. 2% owner and still buying.

about 9 years ago
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