powersurge99's Profile

...not a girl....

powersurge99's Posts

Re: Teck sells another asset

How dare you post something upbeat and encouraging... :P

And the gruesome twosome are out of the woodwork like clockwork.

Happy days are ahead Longs!

almost 9 years ago
Re: 100K order went through

Or its just one or two commission brokers. That's been my theory for a long time. CUU is an easy target for this illegal behaviour. If CUU was part of some fund they were selling the customer wouldn't even notice.

over 9 years ago
Re: New Tailings-old blog info for new investors

was never a question... we all saw the the drill results... if you wanted a quick flip you sold, if you wanted the EE value you held... all longs held and will hold until we're in production or the company is sold. There's only so many shares, get your piece while you can, the past two weeks are an indicator.

over 9 years ago
Re: Why?????

Someone did an oddlot order. The amount different than the nearest hundred goes to another broker due to commssion levels.


over 9 years ago
Re: News ! (4.8 Million dollars...)

I don't think i'd spend $4.8 million on something I was going to throw away... This is going deep, and to production.

Very, Very, good news...

over 9 years ago
Re: National

Hey awesome, a post I thought might help answer some questions only to get it rammed down my throat.

Forgive me for trying to add some value to the board...

Based on the many recommendations that's apparently what everyone here likes to see so please bash away.

over 9 years ago
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