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powers's Posts

Re: Bounce back

This battle might be already over.

over 9 years ago
Bounce back

What are the chances SLI will bounce back?

over 9 years ago
Whats The Plan??

Im new to investing not going to lie.

Seems most here are frustrated as am I, so what do we do?

Maybe Lori has nothing for us if thats the case she has done a poor job of releasing updates?

For things to progress in a positive way things need to change. Im not positive that replacing Lori Is the awnsewr that might make things worse?not to sure.

Wish we had a seasoned Entrepreneur on this board to advise..

All I know is that small changes early, make big differences later!!!!

over 12 years ago
Possible gold estimate?

Is it possible to get even a very loose estimate of gold on the property with the few results we have?
I remember reading post's here about ten months ago when we didnt have results on estimates. I understand
It would be a very vauge estimate. Just wonder how or the formula a person would use?thanks

over 12 years ago
Re: Insider Buying

3 or 4 dollars might be a bit much to ask right now. Don't get me wrong would love to see it!!!

over 12 years ago
Re: Be prepared

Agreed, people don't like change but from time to time it is a very good idea and should be embraced.

over 12 years ago
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