pollywog's Profile

pollywog's Posts

Re: BORE...Bore..Boring!...

Its simple Portee. Buy the Kodiak Motel and turn it into Sporty Portee's Palace of Pleasure. Interviewing the talent would be a major side benefit. It worked for Hugh Hefner and I'm sure there would be lots of govt. freebies for a new tourism attraction, employing scads of people in an economically depressed area I'm sure Doc would rather spend his Prodigy dough in Canada and would be a faithful devotee- he wouldn't have to suffer any jet-lag. All the other posters from the KXL days would doubtless be prime suckers as well. Please post your business plan.

While pondering your plan I have a joke to spur you on.

It has been determined that the most frequently used sexual position for older married couples is the doggie position.

The husband sits up and begs.

The wife rolls over and plays dead.

over 11 years ago
Re: Anyone know what time is the meeting set for?

Hi Monty, Hope this isn't too late

The meeting is 1:00 PM [PST]

Marriott Pinnacle Hotel

1128 West Hastings

Look forward to hearing your broadsides on Brian for Portee and the rest of us unhappy long suffering shareholders

almost 12 years ago
Re: Update,,,AR target price ...$14.00....PDG $1.46 @.1042X$14.00

The Richardson's sold their brokerage [Richardsons Greenshiels ] to RBC . So the plot SICKENS. Just another way for the big boys to shaft us peons. I am 100 % with Portee's sentiments and voted accordingly.

almost 12 years ago
Re: Argonaut - DOH!!

I was also in Castle and made the same mistake Sam.

almost 12 years ago
Re: End of a Journey

Way to go Cedar. A true gentleman to the end.I'd be curious to know how you made out of this travesty.

almost 12 years ago
Re: Goldstream

So is Tony Wood -our CFO

almost 12 years ago
cranbrook b.c.
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