poettechnolgies's Profile

poettechnolgies's Posts

Re: and they still refuse to.....

I am not dreaming, I am taking the emotion of the situation out of it and looking at it rationally.

No rose colored glasses here.

Pure economics.

Funds don't invest in doomed/about to fail ventures.

almost 8 years ago
Re: and they still refuse to.....

This play was to get the US institutions involved. Simple as that.

We (retail) got the company this far and now it needs US investment funds to get it moving forward.

These funds don't want to pay top dollar for a 5 year investment.

Sure they may or may not sell the shares they bought and keep the warrants. I think they will keep the shares and may even add to their position to strengthen the SP and hence grow their investment.

It ugly as hell right now and I don't like it as much as the next guy but it is what it is.

As far as we know nothing has changed on the technology front, if anything this is a positive. These funds would not invest in something that is about to fail. I am sure they have been given assurances as to where the technology is right now and what the plan is moving forward.

It's crap to watch right now but it will correct itself.

Pointless selling now IMO.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Shares are flying off the shelf now.

I got all excited I thought the private messaging was working.

Not sure I follow your reply, what do you think is happening?


almost 8 years ago
Re: Shares are flying off the shelf now.

TD is a common trading platform for retail traders, it's not just one person selling a huge amount.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Unusal disappearance


I thought I was the only one who thought this way.

Nothing she said came to fruition and all she did was copy and paste articles and or links to articles.

Lots of hot air.

All IMO of course ;-)

about 8 years ago
Re: a "few" weeks...

when I was growing up a few meant 2 or 3, a couple of hours is 2 hours and a few hours is 2 or 3.

My 2 cents.

about 8 years ago
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