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poetsolution's Posts


Are we all so vulnerable, and of such weak intellect that we must be protected from any perceived threat from the postings of others? Are we are unable to read, learn, understand, buy, and hold a position without being looked after on a public forum? I do not think we need protecting. I do not believe that we are at any great risk of turning into SH in such a rapid fashion that every post made on Agoracom must be scrutinized for motive. I suspect it's not even really about protecting the board from becoming another SH because it gets a little too strange here at times. Position, power, self perception, the need to be right, the need to keep making a point, the need to have others understand, and agree with your point. You know, the average everyday ills of mankind. I sense feelings of unintended intimidation to post freely on this board. I actually am expecting to be attacked for even broaching the subject. Gnaw on me if you must. I'll be on my way now. POET will be great, but not as sure about the board. Hold your shares.

Good luck to all of you.

about 9 years ago
My perspective

Fundamentals exist.

Technicals exists.

They both cause market effects because when a number of people use either one, it stimulates buying, selling, hedging, shorting, etc. Those responses create the price action which creates the pattern which we call the chart. Those who trade only off fundamentals look at charts almost as much as those who trade only from the TA. Many who say they trade only from the fundamentals will in fact look at charts, and probably use a measure of TA without even realizing it (support, and resistance points, volume, etc.).

We could use a little more tolerance on this board at times. There is no all right, and there is no all wrong. None of it is all that important anyway (reread Eileen's post from yesterday).


What do I know right now?

News is coming.

Will be good news.

More will follow.

That too will be good.

There's no other stock that I'd rather be in.

(I am a very patient person so I can wait for the news when it is ready.)


This is the only post I will make on this subject, or else I would have probably made it on the off-topic board.

Please continue enjoying your weekend.

about 9 years ago
Re: Shaking the tree....

Big baby is due. Way past 40 weeks. May have to be sectioned.

Good weekend to all.

about 9 years ago
Re: IBM has become the first company to integrate electrical and optical components

Really not necessary to post those very old articles for people to read here.

about 9 years ago
Re: Poet's Optical

What company are you employed with?

about 9 years ago
Re: Another 317,100 shares issued

Brightech, I would welcome hearing your vision/speculative thought processes. Good to hear fresh perspectives at any time.

about 9 years ago
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