poetry_n_pain's Profile

poetry_n_pain's Posts

Re: Positive NR

How could they possibly release a great news release now....it would look like they held on to it so as not to have the share price run up ahead of the PP instead of crashing like it did.

almost 8 years ago
Could it be

That the large investment firms in the US have already agreed to pay say 45 to 50 cents a share....announcing a financing without terms is almost a quarantee of dropping the price...if we drift down to 50 cents then the company can say the offering was simply price at the going market price. Really hope i am wrong because at that rate we would incur severe dillution.....again

almost 8 years ago
Re: Thinking out loud

Well i guess if they had some serious info about future returns worth them investing that kind of money.Then we should have it as well...otherwise would it not be like trading on inside information.

We. ?the little guy have been supporting this entity for years,with no proof a lot of times to exactly what we have...so why should someone else come in when this play has been almost completely derisked and buy

tons of stock at a price much cheaper than most of our underwater averages.I have no problem letting the big guys in...but certainly not at this rediculous share price.

about 8 years ago

Although i realize that they cant name names of possible customers or specifics of what they are working on for each customer it would be great if they could say something in general. Something like.....we have at present 10 signed NDA's with 7 top fortune 500 companies for instance. Now while that would not be giving away any secrets it would certainly make the market think twice before continuously dropping our share price.

about 8 years ago
more money in the bank

More options exercised...put more money where its needed to bring us a long awaited payday.And i remain as optomistic as ever although my timeline on getting rich has gone to a more realistic time frame.This journey i believe will unfold more slowly than we all should like.But the end result i believe will surpass even our wildest expectations......and yes i still try to get friends and family in to Poet as i believe this is a once in a lifetime opportunity...gut wrenching at times..

about 8 years ago
Bad timing once again

Bought another 20,000 shares yesterday at. 90...oh well.And yes my first shares were closer to the 2 dollar level yet i have not sold a single share.Yesni have faith in Management number one.But what has really got me buying more is the fact that we got two companies,with Poet stock. That on its own tells me the technology must work and is recognized as such by other people in the field.Believe me, if i had my own company, i would not hand it over for stock of a small venture exchange company without being fairly certain of a bright future ahead....nuff said good luck to all

about 8 years ago
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