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Looking forward... what's the EA timeline?

I think one of the most significant suggestions to come from the Federal budget was the suggestion that only one EA would be conducted per project:

"We will streamline the review process for such projects, according to the following principle: one project [does this mean all of the ROF], one review [provincial/federal?], completed in a clearly defined time period [two years]. We will ensure that Canada has the infrastructure we need to move our exports to new markets [China, etc]."

Without having to wade through all the back and forth here, I'm wondering where we're at in this process?

I also think it's important to remember that Cliffs recently said they have an infrastructure cost and timeline in mind, with all the appropriate partners coming to the plate... there is significant action here...At least from the communications departments involved, which is where all the complexity of this whole undertaking is going to get aired out. NOT even in a recent release or interview seemed to back off a bit from the stance that they're working to first and foremost make sure the FN are looked after, reminding people that the government should take the lead role... A lot of balls in play right now.

over 12 years ago
From the budget

Looking forward to hear what Minister's say specifically as they spread out over the next few days... Anyone have a link to a document with a little more detail?

"As the 21st century unfolds, it is increasingly clear that Canada’s energy and natural resources are massive assets to our country in the global economy. The oil and gas, mining, and forestry sectors directly employ more than three-quarters of a million Canadians. They are driving economic growth across the country.

They are creating good jobs not only directly but also indirectly, in manufacturing, clerical work, skilled trades, and financial services.

Canada’s resource industries offer huge potential to create even more jobs and growth, now and over the next generation. This potential exists in every region of the country–natural gas in British Columbia, oil and minerals on the Prairies, the Ring of Fire in Ontario, Plan Nord in Quebec, hydro power in Atlantic Canada, and mining in Canada’s North.

Recently it has become clear that we must develop new export markets for Canada’s energy and natural resources, to reduce our dependence on markets in the United States. The booming economies of the Asia- Pacific region are a huge and increasing source of demand, but Canada is not the only country to which they can turn. If we fail to act now, this historic window of opportunity will close.

We will implement responsible resource development and smart regulation for major economic projects, respecting provincial jurisdiction and maintaining the highest standards of environmental protection. We will streamline the review process for such projects, according to the following principle: one project, one review, completed in a clearly defined time period. We will ensure that Canada has the infrastructure we need to move our exports to new markets.

Beyond this, we will build on our very effective partnership with the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, to continue reducing red tape across government. Our goal is to allow businesses to focus on what they do best–creating jobs and opportunity, from coast to coast to coast."

over 12 years ago
Re: Also... who knew that the M&A docs etc were out!

This dramatic drop of late... Does it hurt the prospects of Boasteel upping their position in May? I wrote a while back about the double edge sword NOT seemed to be slowly walking into, but over time I've lost my footing with this one. What's going on without any real news or change?

over 12 years ago
Re: Baosteel?

I think we have to remember also that this arrangement will also provide NOT with some much needed cash moving into their 2012-2013 fiscal year... They've said before that they have enough cash on hand to get them through to the end of this fiscal year, and after that, something else has to bite.

It's a double edged sword in my opinion... the longer NOT waits (out of necessity for movement in the SP, infrastructure news, FN agreements, assays), the more of the company they need to give up to Baosteel to ensure cash is on hand... without Baosteel though, the longer they wait, the easier prey they become for larger entities in the region.

I think the questions become... does NOT risk, in the belly of the whale that is Baosteel, letting too much get absorbed... can we expect further shifts of emphasis towards the Chromite in the land, and away from the Nickel?

over 12 years ago
Re: we want to develop [the land]

As an investor in NOT, their willingness, and even insistence to form a partnership with the ROF surrounding communities is what has kept me glued... optimistic... even proud. Carrying this through to success for NOT takes waiting for completion of many stages... Infrastructure planning / development, resource assessment after assessment... Everything takes time, but while waiting, they've been very active establishing a perception that their intentions towards the land are good.... I want them to start ripping the riches out of the land like everyone else here, but by taking these steps, while waiting for all the chips to fall, they at least appear to be trying to build good will. With recent release of plans from Cliffs, activity from the province and Feds, IMO, sooner rather than later the dominos are going to begin to fall.

over 12 years ago
Re: It truly is strange that...

I agree with you Sum... there's a much better vibe in NOT land as of late... Things seem to be taking shape. With all of the debate about infrastructure the last few days, the Cliff's announcement today sheds some light on what might be a viable path forward... In general, and in my opinion, I do think that NOT, aside from the value in the land, has established some pretty sound footing.

over 12 years ago
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