playingwithus's Profile

playingwithus's Posts

Re: Speculation

exactly Straight

Thought these guy's were all well connected in the industry. Ajit has Obama's cell phone number in his contacts. Very sad if you had the Holy Grail, and couldnt seem to get the point across, to the industry that you have been involved with your whole life. Hedge funds should be coming to us to be involved, not the other way around. Unreal the years we have endured with this stock, now i read were delaying so the big boys can be involved. Wow. Guess its time to borrow more cash from my wife, another great buying oppurtunity has presented itself, as titans in the industry can't seem to get the point across that we hold the Holy Grail. All roads lead to Poet, so lets finance at 55 cents and get the big boys involved and give them a full warrant, so they can become interested in making us suffering share holders rich. We can all party in the penthouse suite in vegas. Many many years of playingwithus. Time to take pooper for a walk.

almost 8 years ago
Re: DenseLight: Bad reviews by own employees


always nice to see you bring back some reality to this board at times. i pretty much see it exactly the same way as you stated. This board just goes into a state of fantasy at times, and well documentated over the last three days. Will poet succeed yes i believe they will in time. I still have a fair amount of shares and didn't even bother to mention to my wife, that the stock was halted. it was pretty obvious to me that if a leak was out, and the likes of facebook google apple, etc, were involved the volume would have ramped up drastically, if leaked. Maybe next halt people will wait until news is published before booking their penthouse suites in Vegas. Wow

over 8 years ago
Re: Why was frwind banned? SEE previous post by FJ

sure hope the SS Poet doesnt have the same fate as the SS Fitzgerald. Not very calm seas out there at the moment. Hope the captain of this ship is sailing in the right direction, or gordon Lightfoot can write another song.

over 8 years ago
Re: This is the bottom line on Pinetree

i totally agree with orange cat exactly what i was thinking. They had to have known this was going to be an overhang on the stock. If they have the holy Grail why wouldnt you have brought in a big palyer and a sit down with pinetree and set the price of the transaction. Its disgusting the lack of forward thinking in my opinion. Some of us have been here for four years and extremely tired of all the great buying oppurtunities. Some of us dearly deserve a great selling oppurtunity. Remember its going to the top right on the chart thats a year and a half ago. Time for the games to end and for them to quit (playingwithus)

about 9 years ago
Re: CEO on BNN

Exactly bigdipper. Poet has declined to be interviewed for quite some time now. so why now would they possibly want to be interviewed. Does anyone think Peter is going to sit there, and keep saying no comment, i can't comment on that right now. It's part of the coming out party, these are not dumb people. They would be foolish at this point to go on BNN without a story to tell. its all calculated moves, the ads appear, Tony behind the scenes, lots has been going on fo quite some time now. Will bet theres more news this week, and Peter has quite the story to tell on the 13th. JMO.

over 9 years ago
The Ad

Was hoping that there would be some type of reaction to the new commercial this morning. At least a little more volume, showing that it had some type of impact. Thoughts?

over 9 years ago
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