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China Central Bank to Create $300 Billion Investment Fund

China's central bank plans to create a new vehicle to manage investment funds worth a total of $300 billion to improve returns on the world's largest stockpile of foreign exchange reserves, a source with knowledge of the matter told Reuters.

Grant Faint | Photodisc | Getty Images

The vehicle would operate two funds, one targeting investments in the United States and the other focused on Europe, said the source, who asked not to be named because of the sensitivity of the matter.

The vehicle's goal is to make more aggressive overseas investments for higher returns, said the source along with a second, independent source, who also declined to be named.

Details of the venture are still under discussion, but key personnel for managing the venture have been agreed upon, the sources said.

The investment vehicle would be affiliated with China's State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), the part of the central bank in charge of the daily management of China's $3.2 trillion in foreign exchange reserves.

One of the funds would be named Hua Mei, or China-US, for investments in the United States, and the other is named Hua Ou, or China-Europe, for investments in European markets.

The style of the funds will be similar to the low-key Hong Kong-based Hua An, also known in English as SAFE Investment Company Ltd, said the source, through which SAFE has purchased stocks in dozens of overseas listed companies.

China's leaders have said recently that they will seek investments in the real economies of the United States and Europe, apart from their routine investments in government debt.

The second source said the new venture would likely be based in Shanghai and may also sell yuan bonds in the domestic market.

"The company will issue yuan bonds," the source said. "Then it can use the yuan to buy foreign currency from the central bank or even commercial banks for overseas investment."

When China created the China Investment Corp (CIC), the country's sovereign wealth fund, in 2007, China's Ministry of Finance issued 1.55 trillion yuan special yuan bonds to swap yuan for $200 billion worth of foreign currency from SAFE as the initial batch of funds for CIC to manage.

A similar arrangement is expected for the new vehicle.

CIC, which operates independently of the central bank, recorded a 11.7 percent investment return in 2010. It has been applying for new funds from SAFE as it has developed its portfolio.

In a public speech in April 2011, Chinese central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan said that China may set up new ventures to manage its foreign exchange reserves.

"Don't put all your eggs in one basket," Zhou said. "One option is to create some new ventures to try new investment styles and fields."

Copyright 2011 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions.

almost 13 years ago
How a Chinese cave got listed on the U.S. stock market

YISHUI, China (Reuters) - A Chinese tourism company listed in the United States wants investors to pour their money down a dark hole. Literally.

China's "Underground Grand Canyon," about an hour's drive outside the smoggy city of Linyi in the eastern province of Shandong, promises visitors 3 km (2 miles) of grand stalactites, multicolored lights and an exciting luge ride.

Tracing the attraction's ticket receipts back to investors in the United States proves an even more complex labyrinth to navigate. Following the trail sheds light on the lengths some Chinese businesses have gone to secure overseas listings, which bring the companies funding and prestige back home.

"For entrepreneurs, going public gives them a sense of recognition. For employees, going public gives them a sense of achievement," Zhang Shanjiu, the chairman of the company, boasted to a tourism publication four years ago as he embarked on the odyssey to list it.

The owners of the Underground Grand Canyon attraction eventually used a dizzying array of holding companies to ultimately list in the United States through a reverse merger that accomplished the feat in 2010.

That practice has come under scrutiny over the past year, as short-sellers including Muddy Waters have targeted some firms listed in the United States and Canada, publishing research reports accusing them of fraud that caused their stock prices to plummet, from which the short-sellers profited.

Some companies that listed through reverse mergers, including Chinese clean-tech firm Rino International, were eventually delisted following investigations prompted by short-sellers' accusations of accounting flaws.

The company controlling the Underground Grand Canyon in Shandong has not been accused of accounting problems and has not been implicated in any wrongdoing. However, its road to a U.S. listing presents a detailed portrait of the practice of reverse mergers.


The tourist attraction, located off a small road exiting the millet- and corn-growing village of Yishui in the plains of Shandong, is the brainchild of Zhang, the local magnate who in 2004 leased the cave from Linyi officials for nearly 60 years.

With its rock-shaped ticket booths and brightly lit caverns, the cave tourism business attracted more than 670,000 visitors last year, the company says. By comparison, more than 3.6 million visitors visited Yellowstone National Park, the oldest national park in the United States, that year. (Yellowstone is not listed, nor is the U.S. Grand Canyon in Arizona).

Linyi's Underground Grand Canyon generates revenue from ticket sales, selling luge rides and entrance passes to other attractions in the cave. The firm also keeps stacks of Chinese wine in round earthen jars in the cave, which they sell to visitors.

Zhang made his ambition of listing the caves clear as early as 2007, when he said in an interview with a local tourism website that he wanted to see the company, Shandong Longkong Travel Development Co Ltd, go public as a marker for him and his employees and to make it easier to get bank loans.

"An IPO means going public and it could enormously enhance Longkong's brand reputation. Media gives far more attention to public companies than private companies. The company could leverage this intangible asset to help it get credit more easily and attract more talent in the future," Zhang said.

Listings by tourist attractions and related companies in China are hardly new -- Huangshan Tourism provides hotel and cable car services for the scenic mountain in Anhui province, while Lijiang YuLong Tourism Co Ltd offers cable car services in the southwestern province of Yunnan.

What makes Shandong Longkong Travel and its caverns unique among such companies is its prestigious U.S. listing that came through one of the controversial reverse mergers which allowed it to skirt the IPO process. The listed unit, BTHC XV Inc, is not yet traded on the OTC Bulletin Board.


The link between Longkong and the U.S. stock market is as labyrinthine as the caves themselves.

Longkong is controlled by a shell company in Hong Kong, with little more than a mailing address. That company is owned by another holding company in the British Virgin Islands, which in turn is owned by Long Fortune Valley Tourism Intl Ltd.

Zhang was ultimately helped by Dallas-based Halter Financial Group to obtain a U.S. listing in October 2010 by merging Long Fortune into BTHC XV, a Delaware holding company born in 2003 when Halter bought out a bankrupt nursing home chain.

Long Fortune thus gained access to BTHC'S stock exchange listing and still effectively controls the complex chain of companies that eventually leads back to the caves of Shandong.

It was unclear why the company had so many holding companies between the cave business and its listing, but the journey allowed it to avoid going through the more arduous process of an initial public offering.

Halter Financial was founded by Texas businessman Timothy Halter, who made a name for himself as a guru specializing in Chinese backdoor listings, but who has been distancing himself from the industry in the recent months that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has started taking a closer look at some of the backdoor mergers.

Longkong declined to comment for this article or provide executives to speak with. A Longkong spokesman told Reuters in mid-November that Zhang was in the United States and it was unclear when he was due to return.

Back in the caves, some staff members were unaware of the company's financial foothold in the United States.

One guide, who gave only her surname, Qian, led a group of five tourists around the caves one recent November afternoon, describing to them how the garishly lit stalactites looked like scenes from the famous Chinese folk legend "Journey to the West."

A woman in her group complained to Qian that she could not see what the guide was pointing to.

"If you can imagine it, you can see it," Qian replied.

(Additional reporting by Brian Gow in New York; Editing by Jason Subler and Brian Rhoads

almost 13 years ago
Big Volume grz

10,000,000 shares + 6% amex

over 13 years ago
Big volume

in rmlff

440,000 down 6%..

any ideas?

over 13 years ago
Crystallex Reports 2010 Financial Results

16 minutes ago - Marketwire via Comtex


Crystallex International Corporation (TSX: KRY)(NYSE Amex: KRY) today reported its financial results for the year ended December 31, 2010. The Company prepares its consolidated financial statements in U.S. dollars and in accordance with Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The consolidated financial statements along with management's discussion and analysis will be available for viewing on the Crystallex International Corporation website at The Documents have been filed with SEDAR (


Crystallex is a Canadian-based company which entered into a Mine Operating Contract (the "MOC") in September 2002 with the Corporacion Venezolana de Guayana (the "CVG"). The MOC granted Crystallex exclusive rights to develop and operate the Las Cristinas gold properties ("Las Cristinas Project" or "Las Cristinas") located in Bolivar State, Venezuela. Since the issuance of the MOC, the Company has worked vigorously to bring the Las Cristinas Project to a "shovel ready" state. The Company completed all of the requirements necessary for the issuance of the Authorization to Affect Natural Resources (the "Permit") from the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources ("MinAmb") while maintaining compliance with the terms of the MOC. Notwithstanding the Company's fulfillment of the requisite conditions, Venezuela's approval of the Environmental Impact Study and assurances that the Permit would be issued, in April 2008, MinAmb denied the Company's request for the Permit.

On February 3, 2011, the MOC was unilaterally terminated by the CVG, despite the CVG confirming the validity of the MOC in August 2010.

On February 16, 2011, the Company filed a Request for Arbitration ("Arbitration Request") before the Additional Facility of the World Bank's International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes ("ICSID") against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela ("Venezuela") pursuant to the Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Republic of Venezuela for the Promotion and Protection of Investments (the "Treaty"). The claim is for breach of the Treaty's protections against expropriation, unfair and inequitable treatment and discrimination. The Arbitration Request was registered by ICSID on March 9, 2011.

Crystallex is seeking the restitution by Venezuela of its investments, including the MOC, and the issuance of the Permit and compensation for interim losses suffered, or, alternatively full compensation for the value of its investment in an amount in excess of US$3.8 billion.

The Company's immediate plans are as follows:

--  Seek settlement alternatives with Venezuela while pursuing the

arbitration claim;
-- Proceed with an orderly withdrawal from Las Cristinas;
-- Sell the remaining mining equipment;
-- Negotiate with the Noteholders to restructure the terms of the $100
million Notes that are due in December 2011; and
-- Pursue alternate financing.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

--  Cash and cash equivalents at December 31, 2010 was $16.1 million.

Financial Results

--  Losses from continuing operations were $46.1 million ($(0.14) per share)

and $312.7 million ($(1.06) per share) for the years ended December 31,
2010 and 2009, respectively.
-- Losses from discontinued operations at El Callao were $2.1 million
($(0.01) per share) and $1.2 million ($(0.01) per share) for the years
ended December 31, 2010 and 2009, respectively.
-- The resulting losses from continuing and discontinued operations were
$48.2 million ($(0.15) per share) and $313.9 million ($(1.07) per share)
for the years ended December 31, 2010 and 2009, respectively.

over 13 years ago
Improving Chaikin Money Flow (AMEX)

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