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plankton's Posts

can't copy/paste

windows 10 etc...lots of issues with copy/paste!!  ??  part of the reason less info on board, Plank imagines.

look at amendments on are amended... got your copy/paste working!  good luck!


over 7 years ago

Check out update to Synap application yesterday....amendments/claims....

Plank recommends that Edig change the name of Synap to "Inflection" charge



over 7 years ago
Springer alignment

over 7 years ago
Re: SELL?????/LOL

You tell 'em Sunpoop!

Warning, opinion below: lowly opinion

These are not penny ante guys.  Plank does not think they are working on our little company out of the goodness of their heart; they believe in it.  These guys are a. investment bankers and b. merger and acquisition guys....this is in their bios...this is in their linked in...check out the "leaders" of

Also, it tells you that 

1. these bod believe that a 25% interest in 250k shares is valuable... they each believe that 62,500 shares have VALUE

2. it also tells you that the timeline for the majority of their efforts is currently pegged at 18 months...not to say they couldn't get more stock later etc........btw, Packer has already been on board almost 4.5 months of the 18, and Springer 2.5 months of the 18 months.


hey Plank says Good Luck!!



over 7 years ago

I recommend comparing google's objections in the IPR to

our supplemental informational disclosure statements in our last two Granted Nunchi Patents. 

over 7 years ago
Re: Question/now available on ptab


now that the PTAB website has been re-vamped. --you can see all of the IPR pleadings between google dropcam nest and OUR

edigital. U still can't see the settlement but you can see motion to terminate and the updated exhibit list. 

Happy new year. 


over 7 years ago
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