pipedreimr's Profile

wii believe that they believe...and that is all that matters...may the Mako be with you!!!

pipedreimr's Posts

...it wont be long now...

...nice to hear from you bf...any news from englishman from pittsburg that loves hockey...gofo and g'day

almost 13 years ago
Re: On this date

...we wouldn't bet against you blokes predictions...it should be interesting...gofo and g'day

over 13 years ago
Re: Interesting View....

Falcon has success in the field.

...and that is all that matters...gofo and g'day

almost 14 years ago
Re: Hey Knight

...theknight...hope all well across the pond...is it getting interesting again...took awhile to get rid of the anchor...should be interesting one way or another...if the coffers do fill the dingo may get to dance...dont be a stranger...didnt upl take off after mab left...hmmmm...it wont be long now...gofo and g'day

almost 14 years ago

but on the flip side it's most likely his own arrogance and shenanigans that have caused most of the delays in trying to prove up these properties and brought us to the miserable position in which we currently find ourselves

...dont forget the two most hated words in Falcon history...barite plug...who ordered the wrong part...litteraly the devil was in the detail...gofo and g'day

almost 14 years ago
Re: insider tradig

looks like MAB will pay for testing himself--how thoughtful

...how dare you insinuate a member of fo management would spend their greenbacks or loonies on fo shares...but maybe he wasnt lying when he said the beetleboo is his greatest find ever...that would be putting his money where his mouth is...propbably just liquidating some funds for the a future session with the Kipster...emporer you seem very knowledgable of this type of bird species...very interesting...it wont be long now...as for wet season...having lived on the great island we recalls that the nationals said in the rain season it was hard to just live...let alone dig a hole to china...but then again we put man on the moon...who knows...if those or any wells flow we will be happy...gofo and g'day

over 14 years ago
a galaxy far, far away...may the Mako be with you!!!
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