piet's Profile

piet's Posts

Re: NEWS - Freewest Set to Resume Diamond Drilling on Its 100%-Owned McFaulds Property in Northern Ontario

They concentrate on the chromite because they have already proven up some Cr-deposits, and it 's much easier to find than the Ni-Cu.

Freewest has propably not found any Ni-Cu yet at least no NR's about this. Hope they do, because with only Cr they will not get the intention of a major yet. Piet

almost 16 years ago
Re: Update, ouch

In these markets, bad news will be severely punished.

Let's see how the SP reacts on this news. I fear we will see another penny stock here the coming months. Piet

almost 16 years ago
Re: Just talked to Richard

Just very very hard to see that while a large group of minor shareholders work their butt every day the past two weeks for the proxy voting, a few insiders knew ONCE AGAIN the content of the Windfall NR, with a 13 pct fall of the shareprice. Sorry for ranting, just too much.

almost 16 years ago
Re: NEWS - Noront Resources Ltd.: Windfall Project Phase 1 Underground Explorati

"32.5 meters averaging 3.95 g/t gold, 20 meter averaging 2.34 g/t" ???????????????????????????

"Management proposes to pause the exploration program to allow for completion of all assaying, metallurgical testing and a review of progress todate. The Windfall Lake property, including camp and ramp facilities will be kept on a care and maintenance basis during the forthcoming winter months" ?????????????????????

If Rousseau fails, dumping millions of shares ????

Commodities down

These are NOT the news releases we are waiting for.

Keep up the good work, we will need it!!!!!!

almost 16 years ago
Re: 3.5c..ouch...

Anyone knows who's selling big chunks of SPQ, Snug ? Kelsee ?

I know you are as much bleeding as all of us, but a few comforting words would be in place know. Does Spider has enough money in the bank to survive these troubled times? I mean, is there enough left to cover the next 10 months for a full drilling program? If not, I fear the worst. Neil said he can get money at any time, what about now? It would be a pitty, Spider has a lot of land in the ROF and a lot of valuable goods in the ground. But unless someone is interested pulling it out, the market doesn't care, worth zippo. Piet

almost 16 years ago
Re: Lots of SPQ action today

Thanks for sharing your insight with us on numerous occasions. Indeed, lots of SPQ action today and it hurts, really bad. I hold more than 1/2 mill. shares at an average of 0.12$, as a lot on this forum do.

Still, long&strong on Spider.

almost 16 years ago
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