pennyland's Profile

pennyland's Posts

Re: If I read one more post about MM's I'm gonna....

If I wasn't on my work email & working for a company who is very high on the infringer list, i'd email these folks to see why they only own 10000 & 1000 shares respectively.

Anyone want to see if they plan on buying more or if they even realize the recent news?

almost 11 years ago
Re: Deja vu

Who is Theodore Savas? Someone on this board?
(From the comments on the link i just posted)

almost 11 years ago
104,717 Volume

First time I think i've seen the graph in Etrade show trades pre-market

almost 11 years ago
Re: Germany Volume 1,458,000 price .28c (CONVERTED TO US)!

The old Yahoo link I have isn't pulling it up. Would you have the link?
And happy belated BD!

almost 11 years ago
Re: Lots of Targets Still to be collected from: 70 of the 100 still to license

Understatement! Hundreds more to come.

Anyone else tempted to buy more tomorrow?!?!

almost 11 years ago
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