pecosmud's Profile

Former CPA Partner in International Accounting Firm, CFO for public compamy in U S, private tax and business consultant, entrepreneur

pecosmud's Posts

Patience with patients

If I was a doctor, I would have patience with my patients. :-)

And to not make this post completely off-topic: Our Probe management doctors must have patience with the slow progress of completing and reporting new assay reports. Also there are the profit takers and year-end tax planning involved – call these factors their patients.

Great buying opportunity with this pullback. There has been NO CHANGE IN THE COMPANY’S FUNDAMENTALS……..-Notice the GREEN! (for growth)


Best of good fortunes, as always


almost 8 years ago
Re: Money by Ranier

Even if your ( "ass" out of "u" and "me") numbers are close to reality, my ( "ass" out of "u" and "me") assumption is the effect of most of what you state won't be reflected in the modest increase in share price until at least after 2017 Q2 financials are reported around Aug 25, 2017. As I have pontificated twice in the past 3 moinths: The longer it takes to announce a working demo for potential customers to evaluate the MORE LIKELY it is that Poet doesn't have didly squat. We have been snookered! All Poet has is the 2 Chinese companies.

It saddens me that so many investors have been severly hurt. I certainly do hope an increase in share price will happen "s--n "enough to help us all recover.


almost 8 years ago
Re: Rainier's blog "Not SLANDEROUS"

We were told that there would be a fully working demo by "early Q4" to demonstrate. Now approaching "mid Q4" and no demo yet. As I have stated before, the longer it takes to present working demo the more likely reality is that they don't have diddly squat. Further more, the "Use of Proceeds" states that R/D not to be completed until 2018. So, how can they meet their projection of "Net Income before Taxes and Depreciation" by Q4 of 2017.

We have been snookered my fellow Shareholders! All POET has is two Chinese companies and a very heavy cash burn rate. Not uncommon for inventors to be way overly optomistic about their "prospective inventions" when all they have is a concept, such as POET.

Next Ice Age may come before POET completes R/D. Additional funding may already be frozen. So, it is now make it or become another pile of junk cluttering the highway to success.That highway is an uneven and rocky surface of good intentions without success.

Sadness I express to so many investors like me who have been badly burned by POET.


almost 8 years ago
Share price in P O

As I have stated before, the longer it takes to announce completition of the first product to demonstrate the reality that POET's technology really woks, the more likely it is that that POET doesn't have diddly-squat. Only have a concept, but no actual technology. Now, with a ridiculous insult to shareholders of the offering price of C$.36 (US $.25), it is obvious they are miles (US), or kilometers (C), away from having diddly-squat. Not able to seculate when they will have something real, if ever.

We have been "snookered," my fellow shareholders! All we have are the 2 Chinese companies. Club $70 isn't even in our galaxy!


almost 8 years ago
Road Shows next week

What are the expected dates and where are the locations for the expected road shows?


almost 8 years ago
Offering price on Friday, Oct 28

Does anyone have a clue as to whether the offering price will be fixed before market closes or afterward. Any possibility of announceing completition of Detector at same time as stating the offering price? Such a convergence after the market closes would perhaps cause a temporary halt on Monday, October 31. What a "Treat" that would be!


almost 8 years ago
Carlsbad. CA
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