pecorina's Profile

pecorina's Posts

buyer beware

there is - unfortunately - at least one member on the Board who

figured prominently at Aurelian -- if anyone believes this character

will take care of the minority shareholder - plse do yourself the

favor and check how the ARU shareholder was treated when Kinross

took over -- as we know by know, the Ontario Regulator is next

to useless when it comes to protecting the gneral public against

the connected boys on Bay --

Inegrity and firness are the issues!

- Ciao


over 14 years ago
Re: Petaquilla Minerals Ltd.: Commercial Production

I beg to differ with the fllwg questions:

there are reports elsewhere that the company is one of the worst

mining offenders in SA - reportedly they were also fined by the

Panamanian environmential authorities to something exceeding one million

dollars -- Panamaian newsmedia elsewhere report about

skirmishes with the locals over the issue of blatant water pollution

and this goes on and on with Petaquilla

One of the key honchos (or one of the close associates) is reporterded to have previously been convicted and fined for drug running...

suggest anyone who is interested to do some more digging

into this one so that you can make you decision on your very

own findings -----but if you need some help as to the sources

above above info, plse let me know

enough of this crap



over 14 years ago
Re: Does This Get Anyone Excited?

the answer is clearly "NO" afterall we are dealing with the very same

bunch of ethical kinross management that honored us with the

Aurelian deal

with the recent Russian additon, they seem to be drawing, again,

on their sleaze expertise so ably demonstrated in connection with

Aurelian "management" - Kinross clearly operate somewhat

different than an organisation called IKEA which rather decided to

forgo Russian expansion for obvious reasons

interesting today to find on the Kinross a number posters who

figured prominently on the old ARU board trying to sing the same

old beautiful Kinross songs

..and to those who are trying to do property deals with the chief

ethic-ision Tye Burt, buyer beware; look at his track record on

fairness... reminding of a red light district, anything is buyable for money here ...

over 14 years ago
Kinross provides update on its Paracatu mine

shows again one cannot trust the Kinross people; they have their

very own sense of fairness and integrity -- as they have so ably

demonstrated they way they played out common Aurelian

shareholders by 'bribing' the Aurelian cr......ed directors...

what is the next Kinross brainwash act?



almost 15 years ago
ATN today at $ .90..

what's going on. Anyone?



over 15 years ago
AUGEN GOLD - management shambles?

got into this by way of their last flow thru. - seems we

are having a problem with the honchos in charge and wonder

whether we have similar crap as Aurelian management.

Augen Cap as majorshareholder seeking support to kick out

two directors. - Also it appears, somehow the funds raised by

the flow thru were spent 'somewhere" but eligible exploration..

- So you can expect CCRA action if you have used the flow thru on

your declaration; kind of fun


1) how much did Augen Capital 'extract' from Augen Gold for

fees etc etc to drain the treasury

2) the issue of fiducary duties deserves to be raised with

respect to the entire Augen Gold board (and that includes the

Augen capital member)

3) to the legal experts: do we have a case of shareholder deception,

or possible fraud, failure of fiduciary duties --- at least as it

relates to those who were talked into buying the flow thrus?



over 15 years ago
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