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cliffs response


Personally I think their comments are a bit commical , First of all the lack of expertise to develop the chromite , well i guess it takes a brain surgeon to take out ore out of the ground and put it in rail cars , then , dilution for the share holders on the amalgamation , where do you get dilution when you double up on the shares and the resources at the same time. The hard part is done already we found the high grade ore , now is the easy part , ching ching , just run the cash Register , there is all kinds of diluted money around wheather its U. S. or canadian dollars. The old saying goes still BUILD IT and THEY WILL COME . The .13 cent offer was an insult and an insult to management of KWG and SPQ , guaranteed they will up the offer by next week. If somebody told me I couldnt do something I would guarantee one thing and prove them wrong. JMO but Noront should get involved with their eagle 1 and 2 like they originally talked about a year ago to develop the Ring of Fire . I would rather see a Canadian firm in control here and if any big taker showed up they would get preference . JMO buying more shares Monday.

over 14 years ago
Re: Let's back up a bit

could be , cliffs would like to pick up the shares in one big swoop rather than bits and pieces that would be more costly . Cliffs just mightr be running the show with another big player to avoid a price war . Last weekend 13 cents , this weekend I would guess they would up the anty , my guess is 18 cents.

over 14 years ago
Re: Is SH down

must be , still cant get in , coincidental , last weekend is when the informal 13 cent offer came in , could be 18 cent offer this weekend . They will be in a rush to buy shares before amalgamation .

over 14 years ago
Re: next offer

I think Cliffs will keep the offer at 13 cents until they run out shares to buy , then they will evaluate the situation and up the offer 5 cents , next offer will be 18 cents. They will probably go as high as around 40 cents , but not until they exhaust the lower bids , so those holding now until the end will make the most. In order to keep the share price down they load the board with shares at .135 for sale and buy what comes in at 13 cents. If too many buyers pick at their .135 shares they will pull the sell orders and we will have some price movement up to 18 cents. JMO but were pretty secure at 13 cents right now.

over 14 years ago
Re: Hudbay takeover

At 28 cents this is hardly a p&D , VMS is just getting back to realistic price levels. It is inevitable with the high grades Reed Lake will be a mine , rather sooner than later .

almost 16 years ago
Re: Amazing News

yes it is amazing again. Time for markets to recognize this .

almost 16 years ago
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