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Re: Teutracker = Listener?

You haven't been around long enough if you are not familiar with the name "The Listener" - I would like to know who else is here that knows this name! I Will explain later if no one else does...

over 13 years ago
Teutracker = Listener?

they sure as hell sound the same...

over 13 years ago
Re: link to VHeadline please

really? he must have really pissed you guys off...I thought maybe there is something interesting there - he was always great with rumours...even if most of them turned out to be BS and hype, it was still interesting...

over 13 years ago
link to VHeadline please

I have trouble getting it...would someone please post it here? is there anything interesting there?

over 13 years ago
pdani here...

Hi Rob and all!

over 14 years ago
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