payne's Profile

payne's Posts

Institution ownership.??

Institution ownership is the big question, the relentless downward pressure has got to be large shareholder's slowly bailing out.

I would like to get confirmation on institutional ownership and i think Wes should make this known to the retail shareholders..." Hey Wes.!! Get us the fact's !!"

Not sure if the knowledge of knowing would do us any good, but it sure would start to make a little more sense.


over 13 years ago
Pumper's & Basher's ..

The stock forum world is made up of pumper's & basher's and it is up to each one of us to sift through all the info & opinion's and come up with a sound decision.

I have been following this forum for over 3 years and i will say there has been a tremendous amount of solid info and sound advice. " thank you agoracom & members "

I sometimes sneak over to stockhouse and find myself in a school yard playground...90% bashing and 10% defending. " it's pathetic "

I have done much due dilligence with most all my holding's and a extra amount apllied to Noront, by far my largest holding.

I am not a pumper nor a basher..i am a gratefull shareholder to all those that post the positives & the negatives..." intelligent posting's "

We are looking down & out....But as John Belushi.. put it so eloquently.

" cause when the goin get's tough, the tough get goin "

Here's to better day's my friends


over 13 years ago
Blood in the streets !!!

They say it's time to buy when there's blood in the streets, well were drowning in it.

Surely this must be the bottom.....Is it time to load up.??

I can not for the life of me figure out why anybody would be selling into these low's, make's absolutely no sense.


over 13 years ago
Talked with Wes !!

Talked with Wes today and was very pleased with the time and effort the man put into answering my questions and concerns.

I will try and give a quick summary of the discussion.

Question..Will there be any deep drills turning this year..etc etc

Answer.. No...eagle1 is done with deep to depth !

Question.. When are we to recieve assays & update on drill program.weeks..months!!

Answer.. assays from last september & drill update...sooner than weeks!!

Question..Is there any chance of a blockade this year to screw up our winter drilling

Answer.. Things are looking very positive on these issues

Question..The selling pressure is relentless is there a large institution bailing out, has the institution % of holding's changed over the last year...any explantion !!

Answer.. Not to his knowledge has a large shareholder been bailing out, but it is possible.He does not believe the % of institution holding's have changed over the last year.

Question..How many drills will be turning this year ?? comment..!!

Question.. Any majors looking..talking..interested...mergers...any thing !!.." Had to ask "

Answer.." Nice try "

Question..Why would you sell 50k shares on the open market ??.." did not seem surprised or annoyed by the question "

Answer..Unlike what many people believe i do not make a million $$ a year and i have expenses..Kids in university was mentioned

Question..Do you think the stock is being manipulated ??

Answer.. No...if you look at other junior nickel plays we have performed well

question..How much money in the till ??

Answer..20 mill

Question.. Did we have to pay for the incompetent deep drill crew.??

Answer.. Partly...not all

Qestion.. Where are we putting our drill money this year..percentage wise.??

Answer..50% At12.....50% other regional targets...."Have some great looking targets.. noticed a pos. tone when talking about other targets "

I wish i would have asked...." Why the P.P at 1.25..." Oh well "

I feel gratefull he took the time to talk..I left feeling a little more confident with the hold,was not expecting much more !!

We talked at length about AT12...Very dissapointed about, not being able to drill last years freeze...However..very confident and upbeat about this years drilling success on these targets.

We need a hit this year !!!

We talked in more depth on all topics, just wanted to share a quick summary.


over 13 years ago
Re: Examples of manipulation...or is it incompetence?

Bring it on...Getting very tired of watching this dog!!!

I know there are many positives to the story however they are clouded over from all the negatives.

Too remote..too small a deposit..native issues...govt issues..infrastructure cost etc etc


almost 14 years ago
Gong show !!

Let's not turn this forum into another stockhouse...Please !!


almost 14 years ago
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