patientman's Profile

patientman's Posts

Re: "Cliff has received bonuses twice in his tenure" .. WRONG - Brian

Who the heck deleted my post? I'll say it again and you can delete it again: Cliff receives a sizable bonus regardless of what happens or how well he performs - DEAL WITH IT!

He hasn't bought any shares - this should give you a clue about how he thinks the company will perform. He and his buddies are milking this company at our expense - whoever deleted my post - please prove me wrong.

over 11 years ago
Re: "Cliff has received bonuses twice in his tenure" .. WRONG - Brian

I think you are correct SGE. There are no "incentive" bonuses being paid - just plain old "bonuses". No accomplishments, benchmarks or milestones are required to receive these bonuses. I don't even think you have to show up for work - you simply have to cash the check. If anyone knows of a similar position, please let me know ASAP. I work pretty hard for the company I work for but bonuses have been withheld or shaved these past five years due to the overall performance of the company - much different than what goes on at Patriot.

over 11 years ago
Re: Logic would dictate...

Reality is harsh. Reading your post is like looking at the sun - It's there but very hard to look at.

over 11 years ago
Re: Go PTSC and Go Yankees eom

A Yankees Fan!

This explains A LOT!

Patientman - Boston, MA

almost 12 years ago
Re: Class action suit filed against PPHM...

"Thank you for your input. Does Ron feels the same way? Do you have insight into the situation at PPHM and how it relates to Mr. Johnson?"

You're welcome. I do not know Ron - nor do I correspond with Ron so I do not know if Ron feels the same way. As you're most likely aware, Mr. Johnson acts as an independent chairman of the board for PPHM. I believe it is reasonable to conclude that Mr. Johnson could have a role in the "situation" at PPHM based on his role and his past performance at PTSC.

almost 12 years ago
Re: Class action suit filed against PPHM...

"Lucky is if you should have been named in the complaint, yet you weren't. Is that what you are saying? Carl Johnson should have been included?"

Judging from the limited information we know about Mr. Johnson, I think it would be a fair assumption that the answers to your questions above are "yes" and "yes". LOL!

almost 12 years ago
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