padron's Profile

padron's Posts

Re: Well....doni...Gil

Good thing Fred got a raise...

about 14 years ago

Fill me in...does this have anything to do with the current patent infrigmentsd filled and the January Markman...Thanks

about 14 years ago
Question to Longs

Am I the only 10 plus shareholder who is trying to fiqure out why Fred just got a $30 k raise when the IFE sales are down and the only revenue seems to be coming from the IP settlements due to the work of DM...not a bash just want to know if Im alone with this thought...

about 14 years ago
Re: EDIG v. CO 19 Markman Date 1/28/11

Thanks Sman...

about 14 years ago
Re: EDIG v. CO 19 Markman Date 1/28/11

No worries...I have been wrong for 10

about 14 years ago
Re: EDIG v. CO 19 Markman Date 1/28/11

Yes date set...but maybe you or someone else can answer my question of how long the judge has to give a it that day or...30 days...60 days ...90 we have to wait until April or May of are a Hub leader and have been to the last shareholder meeting...what is going to attract a micro fund to invest...other then DM "s work what else? a small airline with no numbers...a secret meeting at a hotel room at a IFE convention? I sure like your $7 buy-out a couple of months back...but as a 10 year holder I would be happy to see a 1$....the word has to get out. IMHO

about 14 years ago
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