p999mm's Profile

p999mm's Posts

Under .50

Hello Jojo March

You were right about under sub .50, just two days early. No doubt people were hoping that Bruce Campbell would have some positive words today on BNN, unfortunaly I don't believe that happened.

AGM - Any positive news?

Brgds P999MM

almost 10 years ago

On the Stock Chase Recap of BC's comments on BNN. It mentions that SCR has 6 million users, what if Breaking Sports where to hit 60 million users. From what I have read Breaking Sports fan base is going to be worldwide. May take sometime, but if it does go Global, 60 million users or more is not out of the question. With the various patents in quite a few countries, it seems that SPY is in a position to capalize on sports fans in many markets. If they can attract the worldwide foot ball [soccer] fan, the North American Fantasty Sports market will only be a drop in the bucket. There are hundreds of millions of people that follow Tennis, Golf, Football, F1, etc, world wide that want to know the latest news on the teams and atheletes that they are following.

Interesting days ahead

almost 10 years ago
Past comments

Now in hindsight BC comments in October on SPY are interesting

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Bruce Campbell 10/14

Have been doing a lot of work on analytics. They have Semantic software and search engine that will basically filter out all the stuff so that they can look into the sports world, investment world, etc. It really surprises him that this is trading at its present value. It should probably be worth considerably more considering the patents that they have and their technology.

Maybe an Investment coming next?

Mike Smedley 06/1, comments on valuation

It has been difficult with so many companies that have small revenues with liaisons that they have managed to create. This one has just created a liaison with Amazon (AMZN-Q), which makes you think it should be $100. Amazon is interested in getting their parking software app. The most important thing for a company like this is, has it got the ingredients that somebody else needs, and will pay them $300 million for it when the market cap is $200 million.

Wireless Carriers need to make money on text, wonder what SPY is working on next?

almost 10 years ago

Is it just a coincidence that SPY's PR of Breaking Sports follows one day after the Ontario Lottery Commission announces it's on line gambling site.

As was mentioned, now not sure what direction SPY is going in, monetizing text, monetizing chat, expanding poynt, or fantasty sports with maybe a gambling option. They need to spend some bucks on marketing Poynt and Breaking Sports, to increase thier user base and attract more advertisers. Can imagine someone that is following one of thier sports stars learns that he/she just tried out a new Golf Club, Tennis Racket, Fishing pole, etc and they liked it, that they just might buy it if the "one click" buy button was right there on the screen and they new they could get the product the next day, if not sooner in some cities.

Hopefully Breaking Sports will require some form of payment or subscription at least for the premium versions.

Just some thoughts

Great to see some comments on the board again.


almost 10 years ago
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