otreehaus's Profile

otreehaus's Posts

Re: A class action law suit by us could bust the BCSC

Long time stockholder south of the border, newly registered, first time responder. Unfortunately, I am from the corrupt state of Illinois and have seen or heard just about everything criminal! However, Lori's egregious, in your face, I am smarter than you are behavior can not be allowed to take the usual course that in time people will forget and all wounds will be healed. Her tactic of no response will not discourage the 91% but will provide the group the synergy to seek immediate resolution. I have contributed and will continue to do so for as long as it takes to put Lori where she belongs.

To those stockholders who have not contributed or filed the complaint form, do NOT assume your time and effort will not count that 'others' doing it will be enough. It will take a modicum of time on everyones part to bring prompt resolution and reward!! SUGGESTION: the complain form is somewhat intimidating. Perhaps someone could fill out the basic information the form requires and post it for all to use as a guide and promote uniformity. Hopefully, the 'pressed for time' folks will be more inclined to actively participate.

Bravo to those leading the charge, I am confident Lori is hearing the war drums. Keep up the relentless effort. I will do what I can south of the border.

over 11 years ago
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