ortwo's Profile

ortwo's Posts

Website Traumas

This website flap is as serious as not replacing the hubcaps after a tire rotation.


over 13 years ago
Sudbury District

The ROF is reportedly three times larger.

Is a similar up to date detailed map of the ROF available?

Thank you.


over 13 years ago
Re: Vancouver Show-boberator

positive carry:

I reported this post as a violation.


over 13 years ago
To NOT BOD (OTCQX Listing)


"The OTCQX is the highest tier of the Pink Sheets. The price spread and liquidity should be similar to that of the Venture Exchange, allowing American investors much easier and efficient trading. It has real time level 2. As I understand things, it doesn't matter which exchange, the QX or the Venture, that a bid or ask is placed on. It will be filled from the other one, if that is necessary to complete the transaction at the price bid/asked."

This was cut and paste from a hoov post on GNH.

Any reason that NOT, or any other ROF stock, would not benefit from being listed on the OTCQX?

Would OTCQX listing help prevent unwanted anti retail shareholder takeovers?


almost 14 years ago
Re: OTCQX listing

"The OTCQX is the highest tier of the Pink Sheets. The price spread and liquidity should be similar to that of the Venture Exchange, allowing American investors much easier and efficient trading. It has real time level 2. As I understand things, it doesn't matter which exchange, the QX or the Venture, that a bid or ask is placed on. It will be filled from the other one, if that is necessary to complete the transaction at the price bid/asked."

Thanks hoov.

Would'nt this be helpfull in preventiing anti retail shareholder takeovers?

almost 14 years ago
Re: Greetings and felicitations!


Thanks for your introduction.

Can't start to help until next Wed or Thurs but will invest and get involved.


almost 14 years ago
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