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Working stiff

ororico's Posts

Re: Compensation - here is the filing referred to

Well said Sinbob,

I have stayed away from this board for a long time. I have own shares od ECU - AUM for 11 years. I'm now down to a few thousands warrants which are worthless. Last week I exchanges mails with the company IR. Most here probably know that the warrants will not be extended. Given everything that we went through during the past years it shows a total lack of respect for the few who have remained onboard all along. In case you're interested here's the exchanges I had with IR:

1) My name is xxx. I own a significant number of warrants which expire next month. Given the actual pricing situation of both the regular shares and the warrants I was wondering (hoping) if there is the possibilty of an extension of the due date for the warrants.

IR )At present, management does not plan to extend the maturity date of the Feb. 2014 warrants. These were warrants originally in the name of ECU Silver that came to us via our 2011 merger with ECU. They were not issued by Golden Minerals.

2) I know that the warrants were not issued by Golden Minerals. The fact remains that we have hold them since the merger thinking that you could actually build a profitable company, in other words we had trust in the new management. We have been rewarded with a collapsing share price so the least we could have expected would be to have an extension on the maturity of the warrant. That doesn´t cost anything to the company while at least giving some hope to the shareholders that they will not loose 100% of their investment. Is that to much to ask?

IR) Management has always preferred to keep as tight a share structure as possible; thus we conduct financings only when needed and issue warrants only when required to close a particular transaction. Management also believes that making a specific security's terms more advantageous after its issue would be disadvantageous to all other investors. And lastly, changing an expiry date would entail costs to the company - as certs would need to be re-printed, lawyers consulted and legal documents created. As a result of these beliefs, management feels it is best to not alter the term of these, or any other, warrants

3) Well management definitely lives in another world and shows a total disregard for the little guys who has to work hard to make a living. The current price of the shares shows how wrong management has been all along and the policy on the warrant how crappy human beings they are. Fuck yours AUM..

over 10 years ago
Re: Something wicked this way comes

And don't forget ''With the legendary such and such and those amazing charts''..

The best thing that could happen to us now is to have James Turk saying sell all your PMs position. It seems that everytime he says it's time to buy the pms always get hit hard. Talk about a great contrarian indicator, this guy seems hard to beat.

about 11 years ago
Re: Something wicked this way comes

This is getting more ridiculous than any of us could ever imagine. What's even more ridiculous is that the mining companies and the governments who depend on PM sales revenues to support their budget and social programs just stand there and do nothing about this circus. What a bunch of pathetic clowns..

about 11 years ago
Re: And yet another of the endless mine closures...

Don't worry about that, see it's not really happening just remember that:

- The mining shares are going to the moon (GATA).

- The short of the juniors are about to get a spiritual experience of a lifetime (JS). Perhaps I should ask them a loan they must a lot of $$ these days.

- The investors in the juniors stand to make a fortune (J. Embry). Just let me check my portfolio, which to remain sane I haven't done in a while, just in case I was mistaken and I'm rich.

So we only need 10 - 20 baggers to get back where we were a few years ago. Good luck with that and thanks to the gurus for their enlighten predictions of a few years ago.

about 11 years ago
Re: From "Uncle Jimmy's" website.

Perhaps it's time to take a fresh start and get our information elsewhere. A lot of us have based our investment strategy on the fabulous advices of Sinclair and the utter morons that are interviewed on KW news and the result is what? If you look at where the Dow stands compare to PM's and even worst the shares, how could we have it gone worst than that, basically impossible.

about 11 years ago
Re: O.T. Something funny about....

Not so much OT, something nothing funny about.

A few years back I loaded on juniors that had a great future in terms of increase production, do those names sound familiar: Orvana, Jaguar, Great Basin Gold, etc. Men what a nightmare, have anybody look at those charts? OK don't waste any time on that just look at ECU/AUM and you get the picture on all of them. Now look at GBG today, down a measle 43%. Business as usual I guess.

To the moon Alice right, anybody remember that one? Thanks Bill that was a god one.

So let just cut the crap for once, you want so sleep tight, sell your crap shares and buy physical and forget about everything else. If they come for that well just to the right thing and defend what's yours, can anybody do that anymore, not sure about that. Hey Corzine how are you doing mate, just fine I guess. What a shame - can someome just turn the lights off. Sorry for asking someone did that long ago!

about 12 years ago
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