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Help out a Shareholder will ya

AGORACOM Investor Relations

Back on Jan 7,2010 you posted this message from the company.

Dear shareholder,

All assays have been received and will be addressed in a 2009 Year end Review PR for late next week.


AGORACOM Investor Relations

Is there any chance you can check with the company and get the true date for this release..


over 14 years ago
Re: PP Exchange Acceptance Bulletin...

Jerry..... Step #1 perhaps? To what .. The start of the 10:1 reverse split?????

over 14 years ago
Re: Assays?...

What ya wanna bet that the assey results are announced and in the same news release they announce that it is in the best interest of the company that they do a reverse split????

over 14 years ago
Land Package

Will you be answering the second part of that question ???

" The pending Assays results have been outstanding for quite sometime, has there been delays in the process? " If no delays when can they be expected.. Or better yet When Can They Be Expected..

Thanks in advance


Sorry for the second post I forgot to click on the question button..

almost 15 years ago
Re: Land Package

Will you be answering the second part of that question ???

" The pending Assays results have been outstanding for quite sometime, has there been delays in the process? " If no delays when can they be expected.. Or better yet When Can They Be Expected..

Thanks in advance


almost 15 years ago
please define

Dear shareholder,

Please see responses below in red.

We hear Bill Love say they have drilled just under 2,000m at GE... last GE NR contained 1,068m... does this mean more drilling has been done or is currently being done at GE?

A: Drilling will be commenced this month on the GE. We have drilled 1068 as stated in previous PR.

We see and hear project mamager of SP indicate new ground has been acquired to the east of SP claims... isn't this land KXL held and recently dropped after 3,000m or so of drilling?... if so, why does SGX feel this land still has potential?... has exploration/drilling started on this new SP land?

A: A PR will detail this shortly

We see PL geologist standing in front of an operating drill and announce they are drilling deep holes in search of comparable Brookbank type deposits. Have any of these cores indicated mineralization at depth?

A: We are in the midst of drilling the deep holes now and will report on results soon.

Has any exploration begun at either of the 'TBA' properties depicted in latest corporate presentation? What are these properties and what motivated SGX to acquire them?

A: These will be reported in a PR shortly.


AGORACOM Investor Relations

Could you please give us a definition of the words .. Shortly and Soon as used in the above answers


almost 15 years ago
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