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Mark Butler/ECU

Mark's email file must have got a virus. I got this email today. This is a scam that is going around. Any of you who were on Mark's ECU email list might get this email as well.

Did you get my email? I had a trip to UK yesterday for a brief program, I am presently in Manchester and I don't have any phone with me. Please let me know if you can help me, I don't have any money with me.

I will be waiting for your reply.

Mark Butler

over 12 years ago
Options Expiry tomorrow the 16th.

The PM markets have been hammered and will be until tomorrow when the options expire. They got the gold price below $1780 and by tomorrow closing, the gold price will be likely be back over $1800 and we will be on our way to the next rise. This happens every month now.

Hopefully, AUM will go back at least to where it was at the merger.

about 13 years ago
AUM is like the Johnny Cash song Ring of Fire

I Fell Into A Burning Ring Of Fire
I Went Down, Down, Down
And The Flames Went Higher

Where is the bottom?

about 13 years ago
PVG starting to move again

Finally the price is coming to life again. It was stuck around the 9-10 mark for awhile. I think in the coming week, we should break the 12.50 mark which makes the warrants in the money. Some of the analysts have 17 and greater prices on the stock in the future. If it's going to get there, it will happen by December 11. Of course, we could have a buyout and then it would occur much sooner. I have alot of the wts so I'm waiting for the 12.50 stock price to happen.

about 13 years ago

I have the same situation in my account however the number is different but still the same amount of shares. On the wts I have 10,000 and they have screwed up by keeping the number the same but giving it a price of $6.00 so naturally I have a huge gain i.e. about $55,000. I won't spend it soon as this will be corrected to back to 500 AUM.wts. Oh well, it was a nice start to the day and hopefully someday in the future it will be true.

about 13 years ago
Re: ECU is gone...long live AUM

AUMN is trading but AUM and AUM.WT is not trading yet. AUMN is up 8 cents to $13.75

about 13 years ago
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