onramp's Profile

onramp's Posts

Re: I just wanted to add and reasurre everyone

We've all been waiting years for you to appear, and reassure us. Thank you.

over 8 years ago
Re: More options hitting the table today ?

Guess you missed this part: "Poet has been very generous in their serving portions" (fear, and anxiety.)

Long-term undercurrent on the board, with Poet getting the "blame", was the reference, and not a particular post, subject, or poster. :)

over 8 years ago
Re: News does not require a halt if released outside of market hours...

jamming, I've always been a little dubious where BAE was concerned. Were they so lacking in vision that they could not see what Dr. Taylor had done, or were they too self-focused on their own needs?

Possibly everything has been so deeply buried in NDA's that I have mis-judged their interest, and involvement.

over 8 years ago
Re: More options hitting the table today ?

No need to apologize crzyhors. An honest concern, and stated as a question. Paranoia has always been an undercurrent here. Fear, and anxiety will do that, and Poet has been very generous in their serving portions.

over 8 years ago
Re: POET Agora Investor Day attendance poll


PM not working so all of these postings regarding parties is folderol, and we are looking at another two weeks of this if the hub leaders don't redirect these subjects to the OFF TOPIC FORUM. Continual double standard on the Poet board depending on those referred to as hub leaders, and personal needs. If you wish to attack me for broaching the subject, then please do so on the OFF TOPIC FORUM. The capitalization of OFF TOPIC FORUM is not intended to be seen as shouting so please do not attempt to use this as your reason for banning me. Thank you for your kind consideration, and I mean that.

over 8 years ago
Re: IP check tool

Seems too convenient. Someone not liked gets banned, but someone liked, and/or a Hub leader, and suddenly it's a bug, or a glitch. How does mystique fit into all of this now? Bug, or a glitch too? The board seems inbred at times. Board integrity takes second place when needed it seems.

over 8 years ago
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