oldlogin's Profile

oldlogin's Posts

Re: never made anything

And never forget the secret German medical device or the Pipeline Pig-----

over 9 years ago

Ba---From an old friend --Thank you for all your tireless work and expense---Dont let the Mushroom Producers get to you ---You are appreciated------

over 10 years ago
Re: Very sad news re Wolf.....

A light has gone out in the dark cave we call PTSC . Wolf was a beacon guiding the way for the rest of us... He will be missed...

over 11 years ago



Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

Item 5.07 Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.

Patriot Scientific Corporation (the "Company") held its 2011 Annual Meeting on February 10, 2012. Out of 406,215,073 shares of our Common Stock (as of the record date of December 16, 2011) entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting, there were 295,145,289 shares present in person or represented by proxy, representing 72.66% of the total outstanding shares of our Common Stock entitled to vote. At the Annual Meeting, the Company's stockholders voted on and approved each of the following three proposals. The final voting results of each proposal are set forth below.

Proposal No. 1: Election of the Board of Directors to serve until the Company's 2012 Annual Meeting of Stockholders.


Directors Votes For Votes Withheld Non-Votes
Carlton M. Johnson, Jr. 44,642,348 47,052,566 203,450,375
Gloria H. Felcyn 42,691,868 49,003,046 203,450,375
Clifford L. Flowers 47,879,097 43,815,817 203,450,375

Proposal No. 2: To ratify management's selection of KMJ Corbin & Company LLP as our independent auditors.

   Votes                                    Broker

For Votes Against Abstain Non-Votes
254,523,209 19,454,023 21,168,057 -

Proposal No. 3: Stockholder proposal mandating directors and senior executives purchase self-financed company stock valued at a multiple of their total compensation through minimum monthly expenditures.

  Votes                                    Broker

For Votes Against Abstain Non-Votes
64,688,106 23,568,989 3,437,819 203,450,375

over 12 years ago
Re: Too bad we don't have someone with clout as a PTSC shareholder to get answers

And as Im sure you are aware of , when grown commericaly they are covered in Race HORSE Shat( only the best will do )----and thats exactly how , as a shareholder, I feel now------covered.......

almost 15 years ago
Re: Oldlogin...

All is good my friend---We have been at this much too long-------It is good to see your investigative powers have not lost their sharpness---Good Stuff-----

almost 15 years ago
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