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oldgreg's Posts

Re: Caution

Ah I didn't realise it was reposted.

over 7 years ago
Re: Caution

Are you aware this message from BCD is from November? 

over 7 years ago

Hi Sula

Thanks for highlighting that part of the financial outs. It's intriguing that this NASA relationship goes back many years, but we're still yet to see any evidence of their endeavors. Apatrently we are very close to producing commercial product prototypes of detectors etc. I therefore find the below comment from the 2011 NR by Mr Pierhal interesting.

.""Commercial applications could be brought to bear when the device is completed for NASA," 

When the device is completed for NASA!! Does that mean something behind the scenes has been completed allowing POET to persue commercial products. Or is it simply that statement means zip and nothing ever came of this colaboration. Or perhaps that persuing commercial aplications wasn't intrisically related to the NASA work.

Who knows?? But its fair to say not everthing is as it seems, at least in my eyes it isn't.

over 7 years ago

Yes this dates back to 2011 I believe. Odis received a few SBIR grants (small business innovation research) from the US government. But this was specifically from NASA and I really don't know what became of this relationship. I'm sure it far to high secret for our eyes though!!

 Check out this new release. I believe somewhere in space POeTs tech is floating around in some fancy gizmo.


over 7 years ago
Re: Not Tax Loss Buying

Clydes and paradigm. I believe dash had his tongue firmly in his cheek when he made that comment. 

over 7 years ago
Re: DENSELIGHT Process Engineer Advertised

Good post TF1 interesting to see Apple using GaAs. Also interesting to note this patent again. (Posted months ago by somebody else). Are they linke to POET, who knows? But it does give food for thought


over 7 years ago
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