oldbarter's Profile

oldbarter's Posts

Re: surprised people dumping at these prices

If it's Sheldon we can really count on news not coming out for awhile because he's an insider now. Double whammy of an insider dumping (probably from the debt covenants PNP has) on top of a dead news period at PTK.

I haven't been tracking the volume of shares being sold by anonymous this go around, but I wonder what % of PNP's holdings could have potentially been sold so far? Granted it's anonymous so there's no way to know for sure, but I'd agree it certainly looks like that.

almost 10 years ago
Re: Sub $1

No reason for the drop? Our chief scientist dumped almost 25% of his holdings recently -- if nothing else it would indicate there isn't any material news coming soon (as he was able to trade out from the blackout period).

That day I certainly lessened my load in PTK; might as well get my tax loss selling out of the way now while it's safe(r) to do so.

almost 10 years ago
Re: 7.5 not 25 Re: News

You are including options, don't do that because until they are exercised they are worth nothing. I'm talking CORE SHARE HOLDING that has intrinsic value. If you don't understand the difference here, I'd recommend working with a broker or something to help you.

Options are performance based, and risk free for him. Core share holdings go up and down just like our core holdings do.

This is the first disposition of shares by Dr. Taylor in over 3 years. Dr. Taylor still maintains a significant position in POET, currently 994,985 shares and 2,890,000 stock options.

almost 10 years ago
Re: News

No, it's actually 23% if you do a quick rounding of numbers. 1.3 Million common shares before NR, he sells 300k.

Go ahead, find that calculator and pick it up for me and type this in:

1 300 000 (No spaces, just showing you the breakdown)



then hit =

you get 299 000.

Math is hard!

almost 10 years ago
Re: News (Disposition of Shares by Chief Scientist)

Blackout periods are arduous to deal with for sure -- the timing of it actually is probably not in his hands at all. When I've sold my shares internally as an insider, you essentially fill out the paperwork with how many shares you want to sell, and when the blackout period lifts they are sold for you.

This does mean no material news in the short term for sure (or if material news is released soon I'd expect some regulators to have some questions for the management team).

almost 10 years ago
Re: Not a big deal

Don't confuse options with core share holdings - there's a big difference.

almost 10 years ago
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